a gratin forcemeat |
acacia flower fritters |
Agnes Sorel tartlets |
Agnes Sorel timbales |
aigo boulido |
aiguillettes of duckling with honey vinegar |
aillade sauce |
aioli |
aioli without eggs |
Albert sauce |
Albufera sauce |
alcazar gateau |
Alexandra (cocktail) |
ali-bab salad |
alienor salad |
aligot |
allemande sauce |
allemande sauce based on fish stock |
allemande sauce based on meat stock |
allumette potatoes |
allumettes a la toscane |
almond batonnets |
almond blancmange |
almond butter |
almond choux fritters |
almond cream |
almond crepes |
almond croquets |
almond darioles |
almond financiers |
almond icecream |
almond milk jelly |
almond paste |
almond sandwich cake |
Alsace tart |
amandines a la duchesse |
ambassadeur souffle |
ambassadeur soup |
American frosting |
American muffins |
American pudding |
American stuffing |
Americano (cocktail) |
Amiens duck pate |
amourette fritters |
amourette preparation |
amourettes au gratin |
anchovy barquettes |
anchovy butter |
anchovy Dartois |
anchovy fillets a la tartare |
anchovy fillets with hard-boiled eggs |
anchovy fritters |
anchovy mayonnaise |
anchovy omelette |
anchovy pannequets |
anchovy puree |
anchovy puree (for cold dishes) |
anchovy puree (for hot dishes) |
anchovy salad a la suedoise |
anchoyade |
Andalouse salad |
Andalusian sauce (cold) |
Andalusian sauce (warm) |
Andausian sauce |
andouilettes a la lyonnaise |
andouilettes a la tourangelle |
angelica liqueur |
angels on horseback |
angevin bouilleture |
animelles a la creme |
animelles preparation |
aniseed biscuits |
aniseed liqueur |
aniseed sauce |
aniseed sugar |
apple and fresh walnut moelleux |
apple and mango chutney |
apple and pineapple jam |
apple and potato salad |
apple and prune turnovers |
apple and rice charlotte |
apple and walnut crepes |
apple charlotte (1) |
apple charlotte (2) |
apple compote |
apple conserve |
apple cream puffs |
apple crown a la normande |
apple crumble |
apple delicieux |
apple flamusse |
apple flan Grimaldi |
apple fondants amandine |
apple fritters |
apple gratine |
apple jelly |
apple paste |
apple puffs a la normande |
apple sauce |
apple souffles |
apple strudel |
apple tart |
apples flamed with Calvados |
apples with cream and kirsch |
apples with honey and salted butter |
apricot barquettes |
apricot bouchees |
apricot compote |
apricot conserve |
apricot coupes |
apricot croquettes |
apricot fritters |
apricot Genoese sponge |
apricot jam Dartois |
apricot liqueur |
apricot marmalade |
apricot pannequets |
apricot paste |
apricot sauce (1) |
apricot sauce (2) |
apricot tart |
apricot tourte |
apricot water ice |
apricots a l'ancienne |
apricots bourdaloue |
apricots Colbert |
apricots Conde |
apricots flambe |
apricots preserved au naturel |
apricots preserved in syrup |
Arabic coffee |
arbolade |
Ardeche cailettes |
Arles salad |
aromatic sauce |
arrowroot glaze |
artichoke fritters |
artichoke hearts a la florentine |
artichoke hearts a la piemontaise |
artichoke hearts: preparation |
artichoke mirepoix |
artichoke omelette |
artichoke ragout |
artichoke risotto |
artichoke veloute soup |
artichokes a la barigoule |
artichokes a la bretonne |
artichokes a la cevenole |
artichokes a la duxelles |
artichokes a la lyonnaise |
artichokes a la nicoise |
artichokes aux fines herbs |
artichokes Clamart |
artichokes cooked in butter or a la creme |
artichokes Crecy |
artichokes soubise |
asparagus a la flamande |
asparagus a la polonaise |
asparagus aspic |
asparagus au gratin |
asparagus mousse with orange butter |
asparagus ragout with young garden peas |
asparagus served warm |
asparagus tart |
asparagus tips for cold garnishes |
asparagus tips with butter or cream |
asparagus tips: cooking |
asparagus veloute soup |
aspic mayonnaise |
aspic of ham and veal or chicken |
attereaix a la piemontaise |
attereaux a la nicoise |
attereaux of apricots Pompadour |
attereaux of chicken livers a la mirepoix |
attereaux of lamb's brains a la Villeroi |
attereaux of mussels |
attereaux of oysters |
attereaux of pineapple |
aubergine au gratin a la toulousaine |
aubergine caviar |
aubergine fritters |
aubergine omelette |
aubergine papeton |
aubergine souffles |
avocado a la coque |
avocado and prawn barquettes |
avocado salad archestrate |
avocado sauce |
avocados stuffed with crab |
bacardi |
Bacchus |
bacon bread |
baekenofe |
Bagration eggs |
Bagration fish soup |
Bagration meat soup |
Bagration salad |
Bagration timbales |
Baileys icecream |
baked Alaska |
baked apples |
baked apricot compote |
baked bananas |
baked ceps |
baked cherry compote |
baked diplomat pudding |
baked eggs a la cressonniere |
baked eggs a la lorraine |
baked eggs with bacon |
baked foie gras |
baked gurnard |
baked pears with Sauternes |
baked quinces |
baked red mullet a la livournaise |
baked red mullet with fennel |
baked red mullet with shallots |
baked sardines |
baked semolina pudding |
baked stuffed potatoes |
baklavas with pistachio nuts |
ballontine of goose with Savigny-les-Beaune |
ballotine of chicken in aspic |
ballotine of chicken in chaud-froid sauce |
ballotine of duck |
ballotine of guinea fowl Jeanne d'Albret |
ballotine of lamb in aspic |
ballotine of phesant in aspic |
ballotine of pork |
ballotine of veal |
banana croutes a la maltaise |
banana fritters |
banana ginger mousses |
banana ice cream |
banana souffle |
bananas a la creole au gratin |
bananas flambe |
bananas in butter |
bananas with bacon |
banquiere sauce |
barbecue sauce |
baron of lamb a la perigourdine |
barquettes a la bouquetiere |
barquettes a l-americaine |
barquettes with roe |
Bar-sur-Aube croquets |
basic barquette recipe |
basic batter |
basic filling for cold charlottes |
basic recipe for savoury souffles |
basic salmon koulibiac |
basic shortcrust pastry |
basic sponge cake mixture |
basic veloute sauce |
basic white sauce |
basil sandwich |
basket of crudites |
Basque tart |
Basque tart |
bass a la Duglere |
bass a la livournaise |
bass a la portugaise |
bass and salmon plait with caviar |
bass braised in red Graves wine |
bass en croute with Choron sauce |
bass or brill a la provencale |
bass parcels with spring vegetables |
bass with chicory and truffle |
batarde sauce |
batons with vanilla icing |
Bavarian cram a la creole |
Bavarian cream |
Bavarian cream a la cevenole |
Bavarian cream a la normande |
Bavarian cream au parfait amour |
bavarois aux fruits |
bean sprout risotto with truffles |
bearnaise sauce |
beaufort cheese terrine with artichokes and poached egg |
Beauharnais bananas |
Beauharnais barquettes |
Beauharnais sauce |
beef Brandenburg |
beef croquettes |
beef eminces with borderlaise sauce |
beef eminces with mushrooms |
beef hash a l'italienne |
beef hash with aubergines au gratin |
beef miroton |
beef on a string |
beef Stroganov |
beer soup |
beetroot a la lyonnaise |
beetroot salad a la polonaise |
beetroot salad a l'alsacienne |
Belgian cassonade tart |
Bercy butter or shallot butter for meat |
Bercy sauce or shallot sauce for fish |
Bernese fritters |
Besancon matafans |
between-the-sheets |
beurre blanc |
beurre noir |
bigos |
bilberry compote |
bilberry flan |
bilberry jam |
bireweck |
biscuit pudding with crystallised fruits |
bitoke |
bitter orange sauce |
Black Forest gateau |
black Perigord mique made with yeast |
black radish as hors d'oeuvre |
black rice |
black risotto with langoustines and Thai herbs |
black Russian |
blackberry jam |
blackberry syrup |
blackberry tartlets |
blackcurrant icecream cake |
blackcurrant sauce |
blackcurrant wine |
blackcurrent jelly (1) |
blackcurrent jelly (2) |
blackcurrent sorbet |
blackcurrent syrup |
blanc for offal and meat |
blanc for vegetables |
blanched almonds |
blanquette of lamb a l'ancienne |
blanquette of lamb with beans and lamb's feet |
blanquette of monkfish |
blanquette of veal |
blinis a la francaise |
blond roux |
bloody Mary |
boar's head brawn (head cheese) |
boeuf a la mode |
boeuf a la mode de beaucaire |
boiled artichokes |
boiled beef |
boiled beef hash |
boiled chestnuts |
boiled leeks |
boiled leg of lamb with caper sauce |
boiled or poached eggs a l'americaine |
boiled or poached eggs ambassadrice |
boiled peas |
bollito misto |
bomb Grimaldi |
bombe Aida |
bombe Alhambra |
bombe archiduc |
bombe bourdaloue |
bombe cardinal |
bombe chateaubriand |
bombe diplomate |
bombe Doria |
bombe duchesse |
bombe glancee Montmorency |
bombe mixture |
bombe Monselet |
bombe: lining the mould with icecream |
bone marrow canapes |
bone marrow sauce |
boned partridge Brillat-Savarin |
bontemps sauce |
Bordeaux croquets |
Bordeaux croquets |
Bordeaux Twelfth-Night cake |
bordelaise sauce |
bordelaise sauce for grilled meat (1) |
bordelaise sauce for grilled meat (2) |
bottereaux |
botvinya |
bouchees a la benedictine |
bouchees a la bouquetiere |
bouchees a la julienne |
bouchees a la julienne |
bouchees a la perigourdine |
bouchees a la reine |
bouchees a l'americaine |
bouchees with bone marrow |
bouchees with crayfish in Nantua sauce |
bouchees with mushrooms |
bouchees with prawns |
boudin a la Richelieu |
boudin antillais |
boudin blanc |
boudin blanc with prunes |
boudin noir |
boudin noir a la normande |
boudin noir bearnais |
bouillabaisse |
Bourdaloue pear tart |
bourguignonne sauce for fish |
bourguignonne sauce for meat and poultry |
bourride |
brain forcemeat |
brains with noisette butter |
braised baby carrots with caramelised gingerbread sauce |
braised ballotine of chicken |
braised ballotine of lamb |
braised bass |
braised beef |
braised beef a la bourgeoise |
braised beef a la bourguignonne |
braised beef a la creole |
braised beef a la gardiane |
braised beef a la mode |
braised beef a l'ancienne |
braised beef porte-maillot |
braised beetroot with cream |
braised breast of veal a l'alsacienne |
braised brill |
braised cabbage |
braised celery |
braised chestnuts |
braised chicory |
braised cod a la flamande |
braised duck |
braised endive |
braised fennel |
braised gilthead bream with apples |
braised ham |
braised ham a la bayonnaise |
braised ham a la creme |
braised ham porte-maillot |
braised ham with Madeira |
braised ham with pineapple |
braised leg of lamb a la bordelaise |
braised leg of lamb with spring onions |
braised lettuce au gratin |
braised mutton cutlets |
braised ox cheek |
braised oxtail in a caul |
braised palm hearts |
braised paupiettes of beef |
braised pigs' ears |
braised rib of beef |
braised Rouen duck |
braised rump of beef |
braised salt pork with pease pudding |
braised shoulder of lamb |
braised sirloin |
braised stuff breast of veal |
braised stuffed artichokes |
braised turkey legs |
braised veal grenadins |
braised veal shops a la custine |
brandade sauce a la provencale |
bread croustades |
bread panada |
bread sauce |
bread sauce a l'ancienne |
breaded kidney kebabs with bacon |
breaded lamb cutlets |
breast of guinea fowl with potatoes Alex Humbert |
Bresse chicken salad |
Breton sauce |
bricelets vaudois |
brik with egg |
brill a la Bercy |
brill a la Brancas |
brill a la dieppoise |
brill a la fermiere |
brill a la florentine |
brill bonne femme |
brill cardinal |
brill cherubin |
brill stuffed with salmon |
Brillat-Savarin's cheese fondue |
brimont salad |
brioche bordelaise |
brioche mouselline |
brioche polonaise |
brioche with pralines |
brioche with raspberries |
brioches with anchovies |
brioches with cheese |
brioches with foie gras |
brioches with mushrooms |
British-style apple pie |
broad bean tartines |
broad beans with savory |
broccoli a la creme |
broccoli, potato and bacon pot with soup |
brochettes of fried smelt |
brochettes of marinated fillet of beef |
bronx |
broth from the pot-au-feu |
brouchettes of frogs' legs |
broufado |
brown bitter orange sauce for roast duck |
brown chaud-froid sauce for fish and game |
brown chaud-froid sauce for meat |
brown roux |
brown veal stock |
broye bearnaise |
broye poitevin |
brunoise-stuffed pancakes |
Brussels sprouts au gratin |
Brussels sprouts mornay |
Brussels sprouts puree |
Brussels sprouts with butter or cream |
buckwheat and spelt pancakes with carrots and leeks and a vegetable cream with hazelnut oil |
buckwheat crepe or galette batter |
buffalo mozzarella cream with steak tartare, horseradish and capers |
bugnes |
buisson of asparagus in pastry |
buisson of crayfish |
bull shot |
buns |
burgos |
Burgundian raisine |
Burgundy sauce for venison |
butter for snails |
butter pastry for pate en croute |
butter sauce (1) |
butter sauce (2) |
buttered apples |
buttered cardoons |
buttered cucumber |
buttered salsify |
cabbage charlotte with olives |
cabinet pudding |
caldeirada |
calf's brain in tomato sauce |
calf's head a la lyonnaise |
calf's head a l'occitane |
calf's head en tortue |
calf's head in a poupeton |
calf's head in crepinettes |
calf's liver a la bordelaise |
calf's liver a la bourgeoise |
calf's liver a la bourguignonne |
calf's liver a la lyonnaise |
calf's liver a l'anglaise |
calf's liver a l'espagnole |
calf's liver brochettes |
calf's liver with tomato, onion and lime juice |
calf's or chicken liver puree |
Californian avocado salad |
calves' brain crepinettes |
calves' brains a la poulette |
calves brains a l'allemande |
calves' brains in red wine |
calves' ears braised a la mirepoix |
calves' feet a la Custine |
calves kidneys a la Bercy |
calves' kidneys in Madeira |
calves' kidneys in wine sauce with shallots |
calves liver a la Bercy |
calves' liver a la creole |
calves' liver with bacon |
calves' sweetbreaads a la perigourdine |
calves' sweetbread terrine with morels |
calves' sweetbreads a la financiere |
calves' sweetbreads princesse |
calves' sweetbreads regence |
calves' sweetbreads with crayfish |
Cambridge sauce |
Camerani soup |
canape a l'ecarlate |
canapes a la bayonnaise |
canapes a la bordelaise |
canapes a la parisienne |
canapes a la russe |
canapes with anchovies |
canapes with asparagus |
canapes with caviar |
canapes with cheese |
canapes with crab |
canapes with mushrooms |
canapes with shrimps, lobster or langouste |
canapes with smoked eel |
canapes with watercress |
candied angelica |
candied orange peel |
cannelloni a la bechamel |
cannelloni a la florentine |
Cape gooseberry compote |
Cape gooseberry jam |
caper sauces |
capitaine in banana leaves |
caponata |
cappuccino of potatoes and munster |
Capucine iced pudding |
capucins |
caramel cream for decorating desserts |
caramel cream with honey |
caramel icecream |
caramel sauce |
caramel-flavoured custard |
caramelised quails' eggs |
caramelising a mould |
carbonade a la flamande |
cardinal eggs in moulds |
cardinal sauce |
cardoon puree |
cardoon salad |
cardoons a la lyonnaise |
cardoons in bechamel sauce |
cardoons Mornay |
cardoons with herbs |
Careme's poivrade sauce |
Caribbean bouillabaisse |
Caribbean brioche |
Caribbean chicken with pineapple and rum |
Caribbean tart with coconut cream |
caribou tenderloin with cranberries |
caribou tenderloin with wild blueberries, green peppercorns and juniper berries |
carolines a la hollandaise |
carolines a la mousse de foie gras |
carolines joinville |
carp a la chinoise |
carp a la juive (1) |
carp a la juive (2) |
carp a l'alsacienne |
carp Chambord |
carp cooked in beer |
carpaccio |
carrot flan |
carrot puree |
carrot puree with cream |
carrots with raisins |
casserole of calf's heart a bonne femme |
casserole of phesant |
casserole of veal chops a la Parmentier |
casserole of veal chops a la paysanne |
casserole of woodcock |
casserole of woodcock a la creme |
casseroled artichokes |
casseroled veal chops |
casseroled veal chops a la dreux |
cassis |
cassoulet (1) |
cassoulet (2) |
Caucasian piroshki |
caulflower a la polonaise |
cauliflower and tomato pickle |
cauliflower au gratin |
caviar butter |
caviar mayonnaise |
celeriac and truffle salad with mayonnaise |
celeriac croquettes |
celeriac en remoulade |
celeriac julienne |
celeriac veloute soup |
celery a la milanaise |
celery in butter |
celery sauce |
celery with bechamel sauce |
celery with cream |
celery-flavoured consomme |
cep omelette |
cep soup with oysters |
ceps a la bordelaise |
ceps a la hongroise |
ceps a la mode bearnaise |
ceps a la provencale |
ceps au gratin |
ceps en terrine |
ceviche of grouper |
Chambertin sauce |
Chambord sauce |
champagne cocktail |
Chantilly cream |
Chantilly cream puffs |
Chantilly sauce |
char parcels from Lake Leman with Parmesan cheese |
char with green asparagus and morels |
charcutiere sauce |
charlotte a la Chantilly |
charlotte a la valentin |
charlotte majestic |
chartreuse a la parisienne en surprise |
Chartreuse crepes |
chartreuse of eggs in a mould |
chartreuse of partridge |
chasseur sauce |
chateau potatoes |
chateaubriand sauce |
chatouillard potatoes |
chaud-froid of chicken with tarragon |
chaud-froid of duckling |
chaud-froid of pheasant |
chaud-froid of salmon |
chaudree gaspesienne |
chaudree saintongease |
cheese and poached egg souffle |
cheese barquettes |
cheese croquettes (1) |
cheese croquettes (2) |
cheese darioles |
cheese diablotins |
cheese dressing |
cheese flan |
cheese fritters (1) |
cheese fritters (2) |
cheese pannequets |
cheese pastry |
cheese piroshki |
cheese puffs |
cheese souffle |
cheesecake |
cherries Conde |
cherries flambeed a la bourguignonne |
cherries in brandy |
cherries in vinegar a l'allemande |
cherry compote |
cherry cream puffs |
cherry crepes |
cherry flan |
cherry jam |
cherry liqueur |
cherry paste |
cherry soup |
cherry syrup |
cherry tart |
cherry water ice |
cherry-filled souffle fritters |
chervil soup |
chervil-leaf butter sauce |
chestnut and pear tart |
chestnut barquettes |
chestnut charlotte |
chestnut compote |
chestnut cream |
chestnut croquettes |
chestnut plombieres icecream |
chestnut preserve |
chestnut puree |
chestnut souffle |
chestnut souffle Mont-Bry |
chestnut stuffing |
chestnut Swiss roll |
chestnut veloute soup with foie gras, bacon and celeriac |
Chiboust coffee cream puffs |
Chiboust cream |
chicken a blanc |
chicken a la Chantilly |
chicken a la chivry |
chicken a la creole |
chicken a la d'Albufera |
chicken a la lyonnaise en crapaudine |
chicken a la minute |
chicken a la neva |
chicken a la nicoise |
chicken a la parisienne |
chicken a la piementaise |
chicken a la polonaise |
chicken a la portugaise |
chicken a la reine |
chicken a la viennoise |
chicken a l'ancienne |
chicken a l'ivoire |
chicken ambassadrice |
chicken annette |
chicken au blanc |
chicken au gratin with sauerkraut |
chicken boivin |
chicken bonne femme |
chicken clos-jouve |
chicken crepinettes |
chicken croutes ambassadrices |
chicken curry |
chicken dauphinoise |
chicken demi-deuil |
chicken Demidof |
chicken en capilotade |
chicken en vessie Marius Vettard |
chicken fricassee a la berrichonne |
chicken giblet ragout |
chicken in a salt crust |
chicken in aspic with champagne |
chicken jambalaya |
chicken koulibiac |
chicken la bourgeoise |
chicken la bourguignonne |
chicken liver brochettes a l'italienne |
chicken liver croustades |
chicken liver flan chavette |
chicken liver fritots |
chicken liver fritters |
chicken liver mousse with crayfish sauce |
chicken liver omelette |
chicken liver souffle |
chicken liver timbale |
chicken Maryland |
chicken medallions a l'egyptienne |
chicken medallions Beauharnais |
chicken medallions Fedora |
chicken mireille |
chicken mousse |
chicken pate pantin |
chicken petit-duc |
chicken pie |
chicken pilaf |
chicken princesse |
chicken puree |
chicken rosiere |
chicken sauteed with basil |
chicken 'truffled' with parsley |
chicken veloute soup |
chicken waterzooi |
chicken with artichokes |
chicken with bamboo shoots |
chicken with basil |
chicken with ceps |
chicken with cider |
chicken with cider |
chicken with cream |
chicken with hazelnuts |
chicken with lemon |
chicken with plantains |
chicken with preserved lemon |
chicken with rice a la bourbon |
chicken with rice and supreme sauce |
chicken with sherry |
chicken with tarragon |
chicken with tarragon in aspic |
chicken with vinegar |
chicken yassa |
chickpeas a la catalane |
chicory a la Mornay |
chicory au gratin |
chicory fritots |
chicory puree |
chicory salad a la flamande |
chicory with ham |
chicory with noisette butter |
chiffonnade of chicory with cream |
chiffonnade of cooked lettuce |
chiffonnade of sorrel |
chilled courgette soup with mint |
chilled peaches with raspberries |
China tea |
Chinese cabbage a la pekinoise |
Chinese-style duck salad |
chivry butter |
chivry sauce for eggs and poultry |
chocolate and raspberry Christmas log |
chocolate and strawberry mousse |
chocolate avocado souffles |
chocolate batonnets |
chocolate cake |
chocolate charlotte |
chocolate confectioner's custard |
chocolate cream puffs |
chocolate creme au beurre |
chocolate custard |
chocolate eclairs |
chocolate fondant cakes with mint chocolate syrup |
chocolate gateau with chestnuts |
chocolate Genoese sponge |
chocolate icecream |
chocolate icing |
chocolate marquise |
chocolate mille-feuille |
chocolate mousse |
chocolate profiteroles |
chocolate pudding |
chocolate sauce |
chocolate souffle |
chocolate souffle biscuits |
chocolate tart |
choesels a la bruxelloise |
chop suey |
chopped almonds |
Choron sauce |
choux a la cevenole |
choux a la Nantua |
choux paste |
Christmas pompes |
Christmas pudding |
chump end of lamb Belle Otero |
chump end of lamb Callas |
cider cup |
cider fruit cup |
cigarettes russes |
cinghalaise sauce |
cinnamon sugar |
civet of hare |
civet of hare a la flamande |
civet of hare a la francaise |
civet of hare a la lyonnaise |
civet of hare or jugged hare (basic preparation) |
civet of saddle of hare with fresh pasta |
clam soup |
clarification of beef stock |
classic brioche dough |
classic madeleines |
classic vanilla mille-feuille |
clear beef consomme |
clockwork orange |
clove sugar |
coating batter |
coating caramel |
cock-a-leekie |
cockle salad with fresh broad beans |
cocks' kidneys for garnish |
cockscombs en attereaux a la Villeroi |
coconut cake |
coconut preserve |
coconut pyramids |
cod a la boulangere |
cod aioli |
cod braised in cream |
cod in aspic |
cod with herbs |
coffee and brandy bombe |
coffee confectioner's custard |
coffee cream puffs |
coffee creme au beurre |
coffee dacquoise |
coffee eclairs |
coffee essence |
coffee granita |
coffee ice cream |
coffee or chocolate tartlets |
coffee progres |
coffee religieuses |
coffee souffle |
coffee syrup |
coffee with burgundy marc |
cognac with truffles |
Colbert butter |
Colbert sauce |
cold anchovy croustades |
cold anchovy sauce |
cold ballontine of eel |
cold beetroot soup |
cold best end of neck of veal |
cold cucumber soup |
cold duck or goose foie gras escalopes with grapes and truffles |
cold duck pate |
cold egg yolk stuffing |
cold eggs Bernis |
cold fillet of beef a la nicoise |
cold fillet of beef a la russe |
cold fillet of beef in aspic |
cold ham mousse |
cold horseradish sauce |
cold marinade of smelt |
cold poached bass |
cold poached cod |
cold poached salmon |
cold salmon cutlets a la parisienne |
cold timbale of woodcock |
cold tomato mousse |
cold veal a la italienne |
cold veal a l'italienne |
cold waterfisch sauce |
cold woodcock a la Diane |
colombier |
colombines of salmon Nantua |
cominee de gelines |
Commercy madeleines |
compote du vieux vigneron |
compote of prunes |
concentrated tomato glaze |
Conde cakes |
Conde icing |
Conde soup |
confectioner's custard (1) |
confectioner's custard (2) |
confit of goose |
confit of goose a la bearnaise |
confit of goose a la landaise |
confit of goose a la sarladaise |
confit of goose with green cabbage |
confiture de citron |
consomme a la basquaise |
consomme a la brunoise |
consomme a la madrilene |
consomme a la parisienne |
consomme a la reine |
consomme a la royale |
consomme a l'imperiale |
consomme a l'infante |
consomme au diablotins |
consomme Bizet |
consomme Brancas |
consomme Brillat-Savarin |
consomme chausseur |
consomme Colbert |
consomme croute au pot |
consomme Dalayrac |
consomme Florette |
consomme julienne |
consomme Leopold |
consomme Leverrier |
consomme Monte-Carlo |
consomme Nesselrode |
consomme Pepita |
consomme Princess Alice |
consomme princesses |
consomme Saint-Hubert |
consomme with chicken pinions |
consomme with pearl barley |
consomme with profiteroles |
consomme with rice |
consomme with wine |
consume a l'amiral |
conversations |
conversations |
cooking calves' feet |
cooking cardoons |
cooking pigs' trotters |
cooking shelled fresh haricot beans |
cooking split peas |
cooking traditional couscous |
coq en pate |
corn fritters |
cornbread |
Corsican anchoiade with figs |
Corsican cheesecake |
cosmopolitian |
cotignac |
cotriade |
country-style coq au vin |
coupe glace a la cevenole |
coupes a la cevenole |
coupes dame blanche |
couples malmaison |
courgette flowers stuffed with shellfish |
courgette omelette |
courgette puree |
courgette salad |
courgette salad with lime |
courgettes a la creole |
courgettes a la mentonnaise |
courgettes a la nicoise |
courgettes a la provencale |
court-bouillon with milk |
couscous with fish |
couscous with meat |
couscous with vegetables |
cousinette |
crab a la bretonne |
crab aspic (or aspic of shrimps, lobster or langouste) |
crab fueilletes |
crab or prawn butter |
crab salad |
crab souffle |
crabs in broth |
cracked olives |
cranberry compote |
cranberry jam |
cranberry jelly |
cranberry sauce |
craquelins |
crayfish a la bordelaise |
crayfish a la nage |
crayfish bisque |
crayfish butter |
crayfish gratin |
crayfish mousse |
crayfish sauce |
crayfish terrine with herbs |
crayfish timable a l'ancienne |
crayfish veloute soup |
crayfish with garlic butter |
cream dressing |
cream forcemeat |
cream of asparagus soup |
cream of barley soup |
cream of beetroot soup |
cream of broad bean soup with savory |
cream of butternut squash soup |
cream of celery soup |
cream of chicken soup |
cream of ginger bass |
cream of haricots mais from Bearn |
cream of leek soup |
cream of mushroom soup |
cream of radish, goat's milk cheese and salted butter |
cream of shrimp soup |
cream of watercress soup |
cream of watercress soup with sevruga caviar |
cream sauce |
cream soup with walnuts |
creamed lettuce with spring onion souffles |
creamed lobster mash with chives and ratte potatoes |
cream-enriched pureed soups |
Crecy soup |
creme anglaise |
creme au beurre (with meringue) |
creme au beurre (with sugar) |
creme au beurre (with syrup) |
creme au buerre (with custard) |
creme brulee |
creme caramel |
creme caramel with morels |
crepes a la cevenole |
crepes a la conde |
crepes a la frangipane |
crepes a la russe |
crepes mylene |
crepes mylene |
crepes normande |
crepes suzette |
croque-Emmental |
croquembouche |
croque-monsieur a la banane |
croque-monsieur a la bandade |
croquettes Montrouge |
croustades a la grecque |
croustades a la mariniere |
croustades Montrouge |
croutes a la diable |
croutes a la livonienne |
croutes a la Nantua |
croutes a la reine |
croutes a la rouennaise |
croutes Brillat-Savarin |
croutes cardinal |
croutes Du Barry |
croutes for consomme |
crouton omelette |
croutons flavoured with thyme |
crown of croutes a la montmorency |
crown of croutes with pears |
crown of peaches with Chantilly sauce |
crowns of bass with red peppers |
crumbed and fried calf's brain |
crumpets |
cucumber salad with yoghurt |
cucumber stuffed with crab |
cucumbers with cream |
Cumberland sauce |
Curacao souffle |
Curaco |
curd cheese (me'gin) tart a la mode de Metz |
curd cheese tart |
curried courgettes |
curried haddock |
curry or Indian sauce |
curry powder |
custard cream with liqueur |
custard flavoured with coffee or tea |
custard marrows a la martiniquaise |
custard marrows au blanc |
custard marrows braised in gravy |
cutlets of marcassin with quinces |
dagh kebab |
daiquiri |
damier |
dampfnudeln |
dandelion and bacon salad |
danicheff gateau |
Danish canapes |
Danish cherry flan |
dark chocolate and fresh raspberry truffles |
dark chocolate cookies |
dark chocolate truffles |
Darphin potatoes |
dartois Laguipiere |
date fritters |
date nougat |
date nougat |
daube of beef a la bearnaise |
daube of beef a la provencale |
daube of pigs' trotters |
daube of turkey a la bourgeoise |
dauphine (or Viennese) fritters |
dauphine potatoes |
deep fried potatoes |
deep-fried breaded snails with mixed salad and ricotta |
delicieux surprise |
demi-deuil salad |
demi-glace |
desalting and poaching salt cod |
devilled beef |
devilled eel |
devilled herrings |
devilled meat dishes |
devilled oysters |
devilled sauce (1) |
devilled sauce (2) |
devilled spring chicken |
devilled tongue |
diablotins with walnuts and Roquefort cheese |
dijonnaise sauce |
diplomat omelette |
diplomat pudding |
diplomat pudding with prunes |
diplomat sauce |
dodine of duck |
Doria salad |
doughnuts |
douillons |
Dresden stollen |
dressing roasting pigeons |
dried cherry sauce |
drying apples |
drying apples and pears |
drying herbs |
drying vegetables |
du Barry cream soup |
Du Barry salad |
Du Barry soup |
duchess potato croustades |
duchess potato mixture |
duchesse petits fours |
duck a l'agenaise |
duck a l'orange Lasserre |
duck Apicius-style |
duck Apicius-style |
duck foie gras with grapes |
duck foie gras with white pepper and green leeks |
duck in bitter orange sauce |
duck or goose foie gras mousse |
duck saupiquet |
duck supremes with truffles |
duck voisin |
duck with crystallised turnips and cider |
duck with foie gras au vin jaune |
duck with mangoes |
duck with olives |
duck with peas |
duck with pineapple |
duck with tea leaves - Chinese |
duckling breast fillets with green peppercorns |
duckling with lavender honey and lemon |
ducklings a la d'Albufera |
Dundee cake |
duxelles sauce |
ecossaise sauce |
eel a la bonne femme |
eel a la provencale |
eel au vert |
eel brochettes |
eel brochettes a l'anglaise |
eel fricassee |
eel matelote |
eel pie |
eel pie aux fines herbs (a la menagere) |
egg and cheese crepes |
egg custard |
egg ring a la princesse |
egg ring Brillat-Savarin |
egg sauce |
eggnog with beer |
eggs a la Bercy |
eggs a la bruxelloise |
eggs a la chevaliere |
eggs a la piperade |
eggs au plat a l'anglaise |
eggs blancmanges with black truffles |
eggs demi-deuil |
eggs en cocotte a la duxelles |
eggs en cocotte a la perigourdine |
eggs en cocotte a la rouennaise |
eggs en cocotte a la tartare |
eggs en cocotte ambassadrice |
eggs en cocotte bachaumont |
eggs en cocotte berangere |
eggs en cocotte Jeannette |
eggs en cocotte with cream |
eggs en cocotte with tarragon |
eggs en meurette |
eggs in a mould |
eggs in a mould Bizet |
eggs in cups a la hollandaise |
eggs in moulds Careme |
eggs Polignac in a mould |
eggs sur le plat |
eggs sur le plat a la chaville |
eggs sur le plat a l'agenaise |
eggs sur le plat a l'antiboise |
eggs sur le plat a l'orientale |
eggs sur le plat archduke |
eggs sur le plat Carmen |
eggs sur le plat Crecy |
eggs sur le plat Jockey Club |
eggs sur le plat Louis Oliver |
eggs sur le plat Montrouge |
eggs sur le Plat or shirred eggs |
eggs sur le plat Parmentier |
eggs sur le plat Rothomago |
eggs wit tea leaves - Chinese |
eggs with Breton sauce |
elder shoots |
elderflower fritters with honey |
elderflower wine with lime blossom |
empanada |
enchaud |
endive au gratin |
endive salad with bacon |
English almond pudding |
English apple pudding |
English bread and butter sauce |
English butter sauce |
English cream sauce |
English madeleines |
English muffins |
enriching with cream and egg yolks |
entrecote a la menagere |
entrecote Bercy |
entrecote grand-mere |
entrecote marchand de vin |
entrecotes mirabeau |
epigrammes |
escalope of salmon with Gigondas |
escalopes a la mandelieu |
escalopes a la viennoise |
escalopes a l'anversoise |
escalopes casimir |
escalopes of foie gras Montrouge |
escalopes of monkfish with creamed peppers |
escalopes of red mullet with pissalat |
escalopes of salmon |
escalopes of salmon with carrots |
escalopes of turbot with buttered leeks |
escalopes with aubergines and courgettes |
escalops of raw salmon with pepper |
escargots a l'arlesienne |
espagnole sauce (1) |
espagnole sauce (2) |
estofinado |
estouffade of beef |
estouffat of haricot beans a l'occitane |
exotic fruit salad with lime |
falettes |
far breton |
farci |
fatted Bresse chicken au Vin Jaune |
faux-fillet braised a la bourgeoise |
feijoada |
fennel salad |
fennel sauce |
fermented cherry juice |
fermented quince juice |
feuilletes of chicken or duck liver |
feuilleton of veal a l'anciennce |
feuilleton of veal l'Echelle |
fiddlehead fern and Matane prawn salad |
fig compote using dried figs |
fig compote using fresh figs |
fig fritters |
fig jam |
figs with Cabecou en coffret |
figs with raspberry mousse |
filets mignons of beef en chevreuil |
filets mignons of veal with lemon |
filled Genoese sponge a la normande |
filled omelette a la japonaise |
filled waffles |
fillet of beef a la Frascati |
fillet of beef a la matignon |
fillet of beef a la perigourdine |
fillet of beef en brioche |
fillet of beef Prince Albert |
fillet of tuna with botargo and cuttlefish |
fillet of tuna, Basque fisherman style |
fillet steak with potatoes, artichokes and bearnaise sauce |
fillets of bass with caviar |
fillets of brill a la creole |
fillets of brill Veron |
fillets of brill with mushroom duxelles |
fillets of cod with cucumber |
fillets of fish en papillotes |
fillets of fish in cider |
fillets of hare on croutes |
fillets of herring a la russe |
fillets of John Dory palais-royal |
fillets of lake char with fennel vinaigrette |
fillets of mackeral a la dijonnaise |
fillets of mackeral a la lyonnaise |
fillets of mackeral a la piemontaise |
fillets of mackeral in white wine |
fillets of monkfish braised in white wine |
fillets of monkfish with leeks and cream |
fillets of pike perch with cabbage |
fillets of red mullet Girardet |
fillets of salt cod maitre d'hotel |
fillets of scorpion fish a l'antillaise |
fillets of sea bream with vegetable julienne |
fillets of sole a la bordelaise |
fillets of sole a la cancalaise |
fillets of sole a la cantonnaise |
fillets of sole a la panetiere |
fillets of sole a la Riche |
fillets of sole a la venitienne |
fillets of sole a la Walewska |
fillets of sole a l'anglaise |
fillets of sole au gratin |
fillets of sole Crecy |
fillets of sole Cubat |
fillets of sole homardine |
fillets of sole Joinville |
fillets of sole Marco Polo |
fillets of sole Marguery |
fillets of sole Mornay |
fillets of sole Nantua |
fillets of sole princesse |
fillets of sole Robert Courtine |
fillets of sole Saint-Germain |
fillets of sole with apples |
fillets of sole with apples |
fillets of sole with basil |
fillets of sole with Chambertin |
fillets of sole with mushrooms |
fillets of sole with noodles |
fillets of soule with vermouth |
fillets of turbot with leek fondue and beef marrow |
fillets of wild duck in bitter orange sauce |
financiere garnish |
financiere sauce (1) |
financiere sauce (2) |
fine sausagemeat or fine pork forcemeat |
fish and shellfish salpicons |
fish aspic |
fish forcemeat ring with medallions of lobster a l'americaine |
fish forcemeat ring with shellfish ragout |
fish fumet |
fish in escabeche |
fish mousse |
fish soup with mussels |
fish veloute soup |
fish waterzooi |
flaky pastry |
flambeed plums |
flamri |
flan Brillat-Savarin |
flan case baked blind |
flank with shallot sauce |
flat omelette a la jardiniere |
flat omelette a la lorraine |
flat omelette a la savoyarde |
flaugnarde |
Flemish salad |
floating islands |
floating islands with pink pralines |
flour panada |
foamy chocolate |
foie gras aspic |
foie gras en brioche (hot) |
foie gras filo fingers |
foie gras forcemeat |
foie gras puree |
foie gras ravioli |
foie gras Souvarov |
foie gras with Banyuls wine |
fondant icing |
fondant-coated or marquaise cheries |
fondue a la piemontaise |
fondue du valais |
forcemeat for fish mousses and mousselines |
forcemeat for fish mousses and mousselines |
forcemeat for poultry |
forcemeat for vegetable terrine |
fouace |
four-fruit compote |
Foyot sauce |
Francois Raffatin sauce |
frangipane |
frangipane cream |
frangipane Dartois |
frangipane panada |
freezing anchovies |
French 75 |
French bean salad |
French beans in tomato sauce |
French beans sauteed a la provencale |
French beans with cream |
French bread pudding |
French cassonade tart |
French meringue |
French sauce |
French toast |
French-style double crust apple pie |
frenette cordial |
fresh corn with bechamel sauce |
fresh egg noodles |
fresh figs with Parma ham |
fresh fruit coulis |
fresh sardines |
fresh tomato pulp |
fresh whole egg pasta |
fricandeau of sturgeon a la hongroise |
fricasse of chicken a la berrichonne |
fricasse of chicken Cardinal La Balue |
fricasse of chicken witn Anjou wine |
fricasse of sea fish with Bellet zabaglione |
fricassee of sheep's trotters with mushrooms |
fried anchovies |
fried animelles |
fried bass |
fried calf's liver a la florentine |
fried calves' sweetbreads with red shallots |
fried cardoons |
fried carp |
fried confit of lamb's tongues with purslane and shallots |
fried custard fritters |
fried custard with crystallised fruits |
fried duchess potatoes |
fried eels Orlof |
fried eggs a la catalane |
fried eggs a la charcuteriere |
fried eggs a la menagere |
fried eggs a la milanaise |
fried eggs a la provencale |
fried eggs a l'alsacienne |
fried eggs a l'americaine |
fried eggs a l'andalouse |
fried eggs a l'italienne |
fried eggs bamboche |
fried eggs with anchovies |
fried entercote a la hongroise |
fried entrecote a la bourguignonne |
fried entrecote a la fermiere |
fried entrecote a la lyonnaise |
fried entrecote with mushrooms |
fried fillet steaks |
fried fillets of soule en goujons |
fried frogs' legs |
fried grenadins in cream |
fried herring |
fried onglet with shallots |
fried onions |
fried or sauteed squid |
fried oysters Colbert |
fried pannequets |
fried parsley |
fried pigeons, shallot vinegar |
fried prawns or shrimps |
fried red mullet |
fried rice paves |
fried salmon steaks |
fried salt cod |
fried scallops Colbert |
fried shad |
fried skate |
fried smelt |
fried spring chicken |
fried trout |
fried whitebait |
fried whiting Colbert |
fried whiting en colere |
friend entrecote a la fermiere |
fritots of meat or poultry |
fritter batter (1) |
fritter batter (2) |
fritters a la florentine |
fritters a l'imbrucciata |
fritters Mont-Bry |
frogs' leg fritots |
frogs' legs a la meuniere |
frogs' legs lyonnaise |
frogs' legs sauteed in tamarind paste |
frogs' legs with garlic puree and parsley juice |
fromage blanc (fromage frais) cake |
fromage frais with herbs |
frosted lemons |
frosted oranges |
frosted tangerines |
frothy sweetcorn and mushroom soup |
frozen blackcurrant charlotte |
fruit brioche |
fruit brouchettes en papillotes |
fruit cake |
fruit chutney |
fruit croutes |
fruit mousse |
fruit salad a la maltaise |
fruit salad a la normande |
fruit salad a l'occitanienne |
fruit salad with gin |
fruit salad with kirsch and Maraschino |
fruit salad with kiwi fruit |
fruit savarin |
fruit sorbet |
fruit souffle made with sugar syrup |
fueilletes with calves' sweetbreads |
galantine of chicken |
galette de plomb |
galette fondante |
galettes bretonnes |
galicien |
game forcemeat |
game puree |
game souffle with Perigueux sauce |
game stock |
ganache |
garbure bearnaise |
garlic butter with cooked garlic |
garlic butter with raw garlic |
garlic custards with parsley cream |
garlic oil |
garlic puree |
garlic stuffing |
garlic toast |
gateau Alexandra |
gateau de crepes |
gateau flamand |
gateau le parisien |
gateau le prelat |
gateau manque |
gateau Montmorency |
gateau Montpensier |
gateau natais |
gateau polka |
Geneva sponge fingers |
genevoise sauce |
Genoa cake |
Genoa cake |
Genoese sponge |
Genoese sponge with coffee filling |
Genoese sponge with crystallised fruits |
genoise sauce |
gerbet macaroons |
German bread and fruit pudding |
German cherry tart |
German gooseberry tart |
German salad |
German salad |
germinated wheat |
Germiny soup |
gherkins a la russe |
gherkins picked in vinegar (prepared cold) |
gherkins pickled in vinegar (prepared hot) |
giblet bouillon |
gilthead bream with lemon in oil |
gimlet |
ginger cake |
ginger sugar |
glace cherries filled with almond paste |
glace cherries filled with almond paste |
glace icing |
glazed beetroot |
glazed courgettes |
glazed duck foie gras |
glazed ham |
glazed ham reine pedauque |
glazed salmon a la parisienne |
glazed salmon cutlets with a vegetable macedoine |
glazed salmon cutlets with Chambertin |
glazed salmon en bellevue |
gnocchi a la parisienne |
gnocchi alla Romana |
gnocchi with herbs and tomatoes |
goat's cheese, smoked duck and ratatouille on roast |
Godard sauce |
godiveau lyonnais |
godiveau with cream |
gogues |
goose a la bourguignonne |
goose a l'alsacienne |
goose a l'instar de Vise |
goose en daube Capitole |
goose foie gras with almonds |
goose hearts en papillotes |
goose in the pot |
goose rillettes |
goose with sage and onion stuffing |
gooseberry jelly |
gooseberry sauce |
gooseberry syrup |
gougeres |
gourgeres with celeriac, celery and cream of caviar |
goyere |
grabasco |
Grand Marnier ice |
grand religeuse a l'ancienne |
grand veneur sauce |
Granny Smith and almond gratin |
grape harvest bream |
grape jam |
grape tart |
grapefruit salad |
grapefruit sorbet |
grapefruit with prawns |
grated carrots with currants |
gratin dauphinois |
gratin lauguedocien |
gratin of beetroot in verjuice |
gratin of celery with Parmesan cheese |
gratin of potatoes a la hongroise |
gratin of sardine fillets with lemon juice |
gratin savoryard of frogs' legs |
gratinee |
gratinee de poires aux pistaches |
green beans bonne femme |
green beans with garlic |
green butter |
green cabbage salad |
green lentil preserve |
green or brown lentil puree |
green peas a la paysanne with iced green pea cup |
green sauce |
green tomato jam |
green vegetable puffs |
green walnuts in verjuice |
greengage conserve |
gribiche sauce |
griled fillets of sole |
grilled andouilettes |
grilled bananas |
grilled bass |
grilled beef fillet steaks |
grilled boudin blanc |
grilled calf's heart on skewers |
grilled ceps |
grilled Chateaubriand |
grilled chicken a la tyrolienne |
grilled cod |
grilled entrecote |
grilled entrecote a la bordelaise |
grilled entrecote with anchovy butter |
grilled filets mignons |
grilled flank |
grilled haddock |
grilled herring |
grilled John Dory with deep fried butter pats |
grilled lamb cutlets |
grilled lamb cutlets a la paloise |
grilled langouste with basil butter |
grilled lobster (1) |
grilled lobster (2) |
grilled loin chops |
grilled loin of lamb |
grilled onglet |
grilled oxtail Sainte-Menehould |
grilled phesant a l'americaine |
grilled pork chops |
grilled quails |
grilled quails petit-duc |
grilled Ratte potatoes with Burgundy snails, red wine sauce and parsley cream |
grilled red mullet a la Bercy |
grilled red mullet a la nicoise |
grilled red mullet a l'italienne |
grilled roes |
grilled saffron milk caps a la Lucifer |
grilled salmon steaks |
grilled sausages |
grilled shad with sorrel |
grilled shoulder of lamb |
grilled smelt a l'anglaise |
grilled sole |
grilled sole a la nicoise |
grilled sweetbreads |
grilled tomatoes |
grilled tuna |
grilled veal chops |
grilled veal chops en portefeuille |
grouper with corcellet sauce |
guacamole |
guinea fowl Catalan style |
guinea fowl salad with fruit |
guinea fowl with chestnuts |
hachee sauce |
hachis Parmentier |
haddock gateau |
haddock rillettes |
hake a la boulangere |
hake steaks a la duxelles |
hake with clams in a green sauce |
halicot of mutton |
ham a la chablisienne |
ham cornets with foie gras mousse |
ham crepes |
ham pate (cold) |
ham saupiquet |
ham souffle |
hard boiled eggs a la Soubise |
hard choclate caramels |
hard coffee caramels |
hard-boiled egg cutlets |
hard-boiled eggs a la Chimay |
hard-boiled eggs a la cressonniere |
hard-boiled eggs a la macedoine |
hard-boiled eggs Elisabeth |
hard-boiled eggs in breadcrumbs |
hard-boiled eggs stuffed with anchovies |
hard-boiled eggs Verdier |
hard-boiled eggs with sorrel |
hare a la royale |
hare cutlets with mushrooms |
hare en cabessal |
hare mousse |
hare mousse with chestnuts |
hare pate |
hare with cherries |
hare with chocolate |
haricot bean salad |
haricot beans in tomato sauce |
haricot beans with onions |
haricots a la creme |
harlequin canapes |
haunch of roebuck with capers |
Hawaiian cream coupes |
Hawaiin cream coupes |
hazelnut and Caeser's mushroom soup |
hazelnut butter |
hazelnut cake |
hen phesant and parsnip consomme |
herb and lemon stuffing |
herb broth |
herb vinegar |
herring a la boulangere |
herring canapes a la hollandaise |
herring fillets a la livonienne |
herring fillets marinated in oil |
hippocras with angelica |
hippocras with angelica |
hippocras with juniper berries |
hollandaise sauce |
hollandaise sauce au supreme |
home salted pork |
honey and cherry cake |
honey icecream |
honey pastry for tarts |
honey sorbet with pine nuts |
hop shoots in cream |
hors d'oeuvre of mussels a la ravigote |
horseradish butter |
hot anchovy sauce |
hot anchovy toast |
hot bacon dressing |
hot ballotine of eel |
hot ballotine of eel bourguignonne |
hot egg yolk stuffing |
hot horseradish sauce (or Albert sauce) |
hot lentil salad |
hot poached bass |
hot poached cod |
hot snipe pate Lucullus |
hot water crust pastry |
hot waterfisch sauce |
hot woodcock pate a la perigourdine |
hotelier butter |
hummus |
Hungarian goulash |
Hungarian omelette |
Hungarian sauce |
Hungarian soup with liver dumplings |
iced avocado veloute soup |
iced batons |
iced bishop |
iced charlotte with chestnuts |
iced chestnut vacherin |
iced chocolate |
iced coffee |
iced cream mousse |
iced fruit mousse |
iced fruit souffle |
iced liqueur mousse |
iced mussel soup |
iced parfait |
iced persimmon a la creole |
iced pineapple a la creole |
iced punch |
iced raspberry souffle |
iced strawberry mousse |
iced sweet allumettes |
iced tea |
iced turban |
iced vacherin |
imam bayildi |
Indian tea with milk and spices |
individual crayfish mousses a la Nantua |
individual diplomats with crystallised fruit |
Irish soda bread |
Italian meringue |
Italian sponge cake |
Italian sponge drops |
jalousies with apricot jam |
jam crepes |
Jamaican coupes |
jellied beef aiguillettes |
jellied eggs in ramekins |
jellied fillets of Rouen duck a l'orange |
jellied stuffed quails a la perigourdine |
Jerusalem artichoke and hazelnut salad |
Jerusalem artichoke pie with foie gras and truffle |
Jerusalem artichokes a l'anglaise |
jesus a la vigneronne |
John Dory fillets in a souffle |
John Dory fillets with lemon |
John Dory fillets with melon |
John Dory fillets with red pepper |
John Dory Indies-style |
John Dory steaks in whisky sauce with vegetable julienne |
John Dory with rhubarb |
jubilee cherries |
julienne salad with orange and horseradish dressing |
kaltschale |
kashenka |
keshy yena |
kidney brochettes |
kidney omelette |
kirsch punch |
kissel with cranberries |
klosse a la viennoise |
knuckle of veal a la provencale |
knuckle of veal braised in cider |
kouing-aman |
kromeskies a la bonne femme |
kromeskies a la florentine |
kugelhopf |
Kurdish milk lamb |
La Varenne sauce |
Laguipiere sauce |
Laguipiere sauce for fish |
lamb brochettes |
lamb curry |
lamb cutlets a la marechale |
lamb cutlets Du Barry |
lamb cutlets Pompadour |
lamb cutlets with figs and honey |
lamb cutlets with hop shoots |
lamb fricasse |
lamb noisettes a la turque |
lamb noisettes Melba |
lamb or mutton chops Maintenon |
lamb with prunes, tea and almonds - Algerian |
Lamballe soup |
lambs' kidneys sauteed with mushrooms |
lamb's kidneys Turbigo |
lamb's lettuce mixed salad |
lamb's lettuce salad with bacon |
lamb's liver brochettes |
lamb's liver with parsley |
lamb's or calf's brain fritters |
lamb's sweetbreads and feet a al Dijonnaise |
lamelles of avocado and crabmeat |
lamprey a la bordelaise |
lamprey pate a la bordelaise (hot) |
landais butter |
Landes ham with honey |
Landis pastis |
langouste a la parisienne |
langouste veloute soup |
langouste with Thai herbs |
langoustine 'butterflies' with a chiffonade of mesclun |
langoustine cream soup with truffles |
langoustine fritters |
langoustines in sea urchin shells |
langoustines royales with sweet red peppers |
langoustines with passionfruit and langoustine tartare |
langues-de-chat (1) |
langues-de-chat (2) |
langues-de-chat mousse |
lard pastry for pate en croute |
large timbale case |
leafy truffle salad |
Lea's roast leg of lamb |
leek flamiche |
leek flan with cheese |
leeks a la creme |
leeks a la vinaigrette |
leeks au gratin |
leeks with bechamel sauce |
leg of mutton en chevreuil |
lemon butter |
lemon cigarettes |
lemon cream |
lemon crepes |
lemon curd |
lemon delice |
lemon granita |
lemon manque |
lemon meringue pie |
lemon mousse |
lemon or vinegar court-bouillon |
lemon sorbet |
lemon souffle |
lemon souffle pudding |
lemon sponge drops |
lemon squash |
lemon tart |
lemon zest preserved in vinegar |
lemonade with pomegranate juice |
lentil souffle tart |
lettuce a la creme |
lettuce a l'italienne |
lettuce salad |
Liege waffles |
light brown stock |
lime souffle |
linzertorte |
liqueur ice |
liver forcemeat |
lobster a l'americaine |
lobster and crayfish with caviar |
lobster bisque |
lobster butter |
lobster cardinal |
lobster en chemise |
lobster gazpacho |
lobster Henri Duvernois |
lobster in court-bouillon |
lobster in cream |
lobster Newburg |
lobster ravioli with a glazed coral sauce |
lobster sauce |
lobster sauteed a l'orange |
lobster thermidor |
lobster veloute soup |
loin of lamb (or pork) a la boulangere |
loin of lamb a la bordelaise |
loin of lamb Clamart |
loin of lamb en crepine |
loin of lamb La Varenne |
loin of lamb Parmentier |
loin of pork a la languedocienne |
loin of pork a l'alsacienne |
loin of pork bonne femme |
loin of pork with pistachios |
loin of pork with red cabbage |
Longchamp soup |
lorette potatoes |
lyonnaise potatoes |
lyonnaise sauce |
macaire potatoes |
macaroni a l'italienne |
macaroni gratin |
macaroni lucullus |
macaroni with cream |
macaroni with seafood |
macaroons with tomato and olive ganache |
machand de vin butter |
macka |
mackeral a la boulonnaise |
mackeral a la nage |
mackeral in cider Pierre Traiteur |
mackeral rillettes |
mackeral with noisette butter |
mackeral with sorrel |
mackeral with two-mustard sauce |
Madeira sauce (modern recipe) |
Madeira sauce (old recipe) |
magrets of duck |
magrets with green peppercorns |
maharajah salad |
Maintenon mixture |
maitre d'hotel butter |
maitre d'hotel butter |
maitre d'hotel French beans |
making choux buns or fingers |
making traditional bouchees with lids |
mallard with green peppercorns |
maltaise sauce |
mango dessert with passionfruit and rum |
mango ice |
mango sorbet |
mango sparkle |
Manhattan |
maple syrup tart |
margarita |
marignan |
marigny soup |
marinade for ingredients of pates and terrines |
marinade for large cuts of meat and game |
marinade for meat and venison |
marinade for meats en chevreuil |
marinated anchovies |
marinated ceps |
marinated fish a la grecque |
marinated herrings |
marinated pike perch with cardoons |
marinated salmon |
marinated sea bass, salmon and scallops |
marinated spring vegetables a la grecque |
mariniere of small shellfish with chervil |
mariniere sauce |
marquaise punch |
marquise (the drink) |
marrow au gratin |
marrow flower fritters |
Marseille bouillabaisse |
marzipan (1) |
marzipan (2) |
marzipan and sugar-coated prunes |
mascotte |
matelote a la canotiere |
matelote of ox heart |
matignon mixture |
meat and onion tart |
meat aspic |
meat cannelloni |
meat glaze |
meat, poultry, game, offal and egg salpicons |
medallions of monkfish with a red pepper sauce |
medallions of monkfish with herbs |
medallions of trout with chive butter |
medallions of veal Alexandre |
melon en surprise a la parisienne |
melon granita |
melon jam |
melon with Parma ham |
melted butter sauce |
merveilles |
meurette of fish |
mignonettes of milk lamb |
mikado salad |
Milan sables |
milanais sables |
milk chocolate and passionfruit macaroons |
milk chocolate and roast pineapple tart |
milk rolls |
millas porridge |
millas with ffruit |
mille-feuille of scallops with sweet peppers |
mille-feuilles of tofu and spinach with basmati rice and shallots |
millet tartlets |
mimosa salad |
mince pies |
mincemeat |
minestrone |
mint julep |
mint sauce |
mint tea |
minute fricasse of chicken |
minute quails |
minute saute of lamb |
minute saute of veal |
minute steaks of salmon with aigrelette sauce |
miques |
mirabelle custard pudding |
mirabelle jam |
mirabelle tart from Lorraine |
mirepoix with meat |
mirrabelles with Sauternes and honey |
mixed green beans |
Mme Maigret's coq au vin |
mocha cake |
mocha vacherin |
mock turtle soup |
modern almond blancmange |
mojito |
monkfish a l'americaine |
monkfish brochettes |
monkfish curry a la creole |
mont-blanc |
Montfermeil salad |
Montpellier butter |
moqueca of lobster with palm hearts and cashew nuts |
morels a la creme |
Mornay sauce |
Moscow mule |
Moscow piroshki |
mother's cretons |
moules mariniere |
mousseline forcemeat |
mousseline of apples with walnuts |
mousseline sauce |
mulled wine with cinnamon and cloves |
Muscat grape tarlets |
mushroom barquettes |
mushroom blanc |
mushroom coffee |
mushroom crepes |
mushroom croquettes |
mushroom croutes |
mushroom essence |
mushroom forcemeat |
mushroom fritters |
mushroom fumet |
mushroom puree |
mushroom souffles |
mushroom stuffing |
mushroom veloute soup |
mushroom vichyssoise with angelica |
mushrooms a la grecque |
mushrooms a la hongroise |
mushrooms a la poulette |
mushrooms a l'anglaise |
mushrooms cooked in cream |
musketeer sauce |
mussel brochettes |
mussel croquettes |
mussel fritots |
mussel quiche |
mussel salad |
mussel sauce |
mussel-farmers mouclade |
mussels a la poulette |
mussels a la villeroi |
mussels in cream |
mussels la bordelaise |
mustard and cream dressing |
mustard and dill dressing |
mustard butter |
mustard sauce |
mustard sauce (for cold fish) |
mustard sauce (for grills) |
mustard sauce with butter |
mustard sauce with cream |
mutton broth |
mutton chops champvallon |
mutton cutlets a la Villeroi |
mutton cutlets champvallon |
mutton cutlets chasseur |
mutton fillets in red wine |
myrtle jam |
nage of melon with verbena and passionfruit tart |
nage of scallops with lemon thyme |
Nanette fritters |
Nantua sauce |
Napolitain biscuits |
Napolitain cake |
napolitaine sauce |
navarin of lamb |
navarin of lobster with new potatoes and rosemary |
neck of pork with broad beans |
negre en chemise |
negroni |
Nesselrode pudding |
new turnip salad |
Nimes brandade |
Ninon langoustines |
noisette butter |
noisettes Beauharnais |
noisettes chasseur |
noisettes of the Tour d'Argent |
noisettes Rivoli |
noodles au gratin |
noques a la viennoise |
noques a l'alsacienne |
normande sauce |
nougatine |
nut delices |
octopus a la provencale |
octopus salad |
oeufs en cocotee Brillat-Savarin |
oeufs l a coque Faugeron with truffle puree |
oiseaux sans tete |
okra a la creole |
old-fashioned |
old-fashioned barley sugar |
old-fashioned hot chocolate |
olives stuffed with anchovy butter |
omelette a la Celestine |
omelette a la chatelaine |
omelette a la dijonnaise |
omelette a la duxelles |
omelette a la fermiere |
omelette a la grecque |
omelette a la lyonnaise |
omelette a la menagere |
omelette a la morvandelle |
omelette a la nicoise |
omelette a la parisienne |
omelette a la paysanne |
omelette a la romaine |
omelette a la rouennaise |
omelette a la Sainte-Flour |
omelette a la verduriere |
omelette Andre-Theuriet |
omelette Argenteuil |
omelette chasseur |
omelette Du Burry |
omelette Feydeau |
omelette flambee |
omelette garnished with fines herbes |
omelette jurassienne |
omelette Mistral |
omelette Mont-Bry |
omelette mousseline |
omelette Parmentier |
omelette Reine Pedauque |
omelette rossini |
omelette Saint-Hubert |
omelette with black pudding |
omelette with fruit compote |
omelette with green clitocybes |
onion and honey tart |
onion crepes |
onion sauce |
onion soup |
onion tart |
orange and apple jelly |
orange conserve |
orange dessert |
orange gimblettes |
orange liqueur |
orange marmalade |
orange pound cake |
orange sandwich cake |
orange sorbet |
orange sugar |
orange syrup |
orange wine |
orange-flavoured liquorice water |
orange-flower liqueur |
orange-flower sugar |
orangine |
oreillettes de Montpellier |
ormeaux a la cancalaise |
ornage or lemon custard |
osso bucco a la Milanaise |
Ostende oysters with herbs |
oublies a la parisienne |
oursinade sauce |
ox kidney with lardons |
ox tongue a l'alsacienne |
oxtail hotchpotch |
oxtail soup |
oyster fritots |
oyster fritters |
oyster mushroom croutes |
oyster sauce |
oyster soup |
oyster veloute soup |
oysters a la Boston |
oysters a la Brolatti |
oysters a la rhetaise |
oysters in their shells (hot) |
oysters Robert Courtine |
oysters with cider and winkles |
paella |
pain d'epice |
pains aux raisins |
paleron menagere |
palets de dames |
palette of pork with haricot beans |
palette of pork with sauerkraut |
palm hearts in salad |
palm hearts mille-feuille with smoked marlin |
palm hearts with shrimps |
palmiers |
panache of lobster and crayfish with caviar |
panada forcemeat with butter |
panada forcemeat with cream |
panada soup based on meat stock |
panada soup with milk |
pan-bagnat |
panettone |
pan-fried venison with pears |
panisses |
pannequets a la cevenole |
pannequets a la creole |
pannequets a la florentine |
pannequets a la reine |
pannequets for soup |
pannequets Mornay |
pannequets with crystallised fruit |
pannequets with soft roes |
panure anglaise |
papillotes a la chinoise |
papillotes of lobster and scallops |
parasole mushrooms a la supreme |
Paris-Brest |
Parisian brioche (brioche a tete) |
Parisian croissants |
Parisian custard tart |
Parisian salad |
Parisian sauce |
parisien |
Parmesan air glace with apple muesli |
Parmesan air glace with apple muesli |
Parmesan polenta |
parsley sauce (1) |
parsley sauce (2) |
parsnip, chestnut and black Perigord truffle parmentier |
partridge a la coque |
partridge a la Souvarov |
partridge a la vigneronne |
partridge croustades |
partridge cutlets Romanov |
partridge en pistache |
partridge Monselet |
partridge salad with cabbage |
partridge with cabbage |
partridge with lentils |
partridges en vessie |
partridges with grapes |
pascaline |
passionfruit sorbet |
passionfruit souffle |
pastry cream puffs |
pastry cream puffs with grapes |
pate a foncer |
pate brisee |
pate en croute 'pave du roy' |
pate sablee |
pate sucree (dite seche) |
pate with calves sweetbreads (hot) |
paupiettes of beef Sainte-Menehould |
paupiettes of braised calves' sweetbreads |
paupiettes of cabbage |
paupiettes of cabbage with shellfish, Georges Pouvel-style |
paupiettes of lamb a la creole |
paupiettes of pigeon with foie gras and a truffle sauce |
paupiettes of sole |
paupiettes of sole a l'ancienne |
paupiettes of sole paillard |
paupiettes of turkey a la crecy |
paupiettes of whiting |
pea and ginger fricasse with grapefruit |
peach charlotte |
peach compote |
peach conserve |
peach cup |
peach jam |
peach Melba |
peach sauce (1) |
peach sauce (2) |
peach sorbet |
peach sundaes |
peaches a la bordelaise |
peaches a la duchesse |
peaches dame blanche |
peaches Penelope |
peaches with rosemary |
pear and apple caramel compote |
pear and caramel cream coupes |
pear and peach salad with raspeberries |
pear charlotte |
pear compote |
pear pie |
pear sorbet |
pearl fond |
pears in wine |
pears Joinville |
pears savarin |
pears Wanamaker |
peas a la bonne femme |
peas a la creme |
peas a la fermiere |
peas a la francaise |
peas in butter |
peas with mint |
peeled fresh chestnuts |
Peking-style langoustines |
pepper and pineapple fruit soup |
pepper Bavarois on an acidic tomato coulis |
pepper butter |
peppers a la catalane with oil and slivers of garlic |
peppers a la piemontaise |
peppers a l'orientale |
perch fillets milanese |
Perigord tourin |
perigueux sauce |
petite marmite a la parisienne |
petits four Souvarov |
pets-de-nonne |
pflutters |
pheasant a la languedocienne |
pheasant a la Sainte-Alliance |
pheasant a l'alsacienne |
pheasant pate (cold) |
pheasant perigueux |
pheasant with port |
pheasant with walnuts |
phesant a la douro |
phesant a la georgienne |
phesant with truffles |
pickled anchovy fillets a la portugaise |
pickled anchovy fillets a la silsienne |
pickled anchovy fillets a la suedoise |
pickled anchovy fillets a la tartare |
pickled red cabbage |
pickled walnuts |
pieds et paquets de le pomme |
piemontaise sauce |
pigeons a la nicoise |
pig's liver with mustard |
pigs' trotter sausages |
pigs' trotters on toast |
pike au beurre blanc |
pike au bleu |
pike du meunier |
pike in vinegar |
pike perch and oyster mushroom salad |
pike quenelles |
pike quenelles a la florentine |
pike quenelles a la lyonnaise |
pike quenelles mousseline |
pimientos del piquillo stuffed with cod |
pine nut crescents |
pine nut flan |
pine nut omelette |
pine nut sauce a l'italienne |
pineapple chutney |
pineapple compote |
pineapple coupes |
pineapple en surprise |
pineapple fritters |
pineapple manque |
pineapple mille-feuille with cider and rum grog |
pineapple sauce |
pineapple sorbet |
pineapple surprise |
pink radishes a l'americaine |
piperade with poached eggs |
piquant sauce |
pissaladiere |
pissaladiere |
pistachio brawn |
pistou soup |
Pithiviers |
pizza Mario |
plaice a la florentine |
plain omelette |
plain royale |
plombieres cream |
plombieres icecream |
plum cake |
plum compote |
plum conserve |
plum paste |
plum pudding |
plum tart |
plum tart a l'alsacienne |
plums in brandy |
poached brill |
poached eggs |
poached eggs a la cressonniere |
poached eggs a la Daumont |
poached eggs a la duchesse |
poached eggs a l'espagnole |
poached eggs almaviva |
poached eggs in aspic |
poached eggs with braised turnips |
poached haddock |
poached ham in pastry a l'ancienne |
poached langoustines |
poached oysters |
poached pigs' ears |
poached rump of beef |
poached salmon steaks |
poached soft roes in court-bouillon |
poached sweetbreads |
poached veal knuckle with simmered Swiss chard |
poached whiting with melted butter |
pochouse |
pogne de romans |
poirissimo |
poitou caillebottes |
poivrade sauce |
polenta gratin |
Polish kasha with barley |
pomelo sorbet |
pomponnettes |
ponts-neufs |
poor man's sauce |
poree of Charente |
pork chops a la bayonnaise |
pork chops a la gasconne |
pork chops a l'alsacienne |
pork chops charcutiere |
pork chops pilleverjus |
pork chops with kiwi fruit |
pork chops with Robert sauce |
pork crepinettes |
pork crepinettes Sainte-Menehould |
pork pate a la hongroise (hot) |
pork prochettes with prunes |
pork sauteed with ginger |
porridge |
port flip |
port wine sauce |
Port-Royal salad |
Portuguese omelette |
Portuguese sauce |
potage a la paysanne |
potage cultivateur |
potage d'artois |
potage julienne a la cevenole |
potage julienne Darblay |
potato and leek soup |
potato and turnip puree |
potato crisps |
potato croquettes |
potato fondants |
potato galette |
potato gnocchi |
potato mousseline |
potato mousses with caviar |
potato nests |
potato panada |
potato souffle |
potato subrics |
potatoes a la berrichonne |
potatoes a la boulangere |
potatoes a la creme |
potatoes a la Cussy |
potatoes a la landaise |
potatoes a la maitre d'hotel |
potatoes a la normande |
potatoes a la paysanne |
potatoes emiellees |
potatoes en papillotes |
potatoes Mere Carles |
potatoes vendangeurs de bourgogne |
potatoes with bacon |
pot-au-feu |
potee lorraine |
potimarron cakes with raw smoked haddock |
potjevfleish |
pot-roasted phesant, Alsatian style |
potted foie gras with truffles |
poulette sauce |
poultry forcemeat |
pound cake |
poupeton of turkey Brillat-Savarin |
praire oyster |
praline |
praline creme au beurre |
praline pannequets |
prawn and avocado cocktail |
prawn croissants |
prawn forcemeat |
prawn omelette |
prawn pannequets |
prawn salad |
prawn sauce |
prawn sauce (for fish) |
prawn tempura |
preparation and cooking of calf's head |
preparation and cooking of ravioli |
preparation of aspic moulds and dishes |
preparation of bass |
preparation of blanquette |
preparation of brains |
preparation of brill |
preparation of canapes |
preparation of celeriac |
preparation of celery |
preparation of Chinese artichokes |
preparation of cockscombs |
preparation of courgettes |
preparation of croqutte mixture |
preparation of duxelles |
preparation of eel |
preparation of fillets of hare |
preparation of forcemeat or stuffing |
preparation of frogs' legs |
preparation of herring |
preparation of pannequets |
preparation of pheasant |
preparation of pigs' kidneys |
preparation of raw foie gras |
preparation of rissoles |
preparation of savoury croutes |
preparation of tongue |
preparation of woodcock |
preparing and cooking salsify |
preparing and cooking spinach |
preparing cold charlottes |
preparing lambs' or calves' sweetbreads |
preparing savarin batter in a food processor or mixer |
preparing shad |
preparing sole and fillets of sole |
preparing supremes |
preparing Swiss chard |
preparing traditional couscous |
preparing turnovers |
preperation of aubergines |
preserved apricots in eau-de-vie |
preserved lemon peel |
preserved lemons |
preserved sorrel |
pressed beef |
printaniere sauce |
provencale caillettes |
Provencale sauce |
prunes in Rasteau with fresh cream |
prunes stuffed with Roquefort cheese |
prunes with bacon |
pudding a la chipolata |
puff pastry apple tart |
puff pastry case for flans |
puff pastry croustades |
puff pastry made with oil |
puff pastry piroshki |
puff-pastry apple tart |
puits d'amour |
pumkin gratin a la provencale |
pumpkin au jus |
pumpkin puree |
pumpkin soup |
punch cakes |
puree of Brussels sprout soup |
puree of celery soup |
puree of French beans |
puree of fresh broad beans |
puree of fresh podded haricot beans |
puree of tomato soup |
purple fig and raspberry tart |
purses of lobster with morels |
pussy foot |
quail casserle a la bonne femme |
quail casserole |
quail casserole Cinq-Mars |
quail casserole with grapes |
quail croustades a la perigueux |
quail in vine leaves |
quail pate |
quails a la romaine |
quails en chemise |
quails with cherries |
quails with rice |
queen scallops and oysters sauteed in Canadian whisky |
quenelles Nantua |
quetsch tart with cinnamon |
quiche lorraine |
quick frosting |
quick marinade for grilled fish |
quince compote |
quince liqueur or ratafia |
quince paste |
rabbit coquibos |
rabbit crepinettes |
rabbit rillettes |
rabbit roasted in a caul |
rabbit sauteed a la minute |
rabbit with mustard |
Rachel salad |
rack of lamb a la languedocienne |
rack of lamb a la nicoise |
radish leaf soup |
ragout a la cancalaise |
ragout a la cevenole |
ragout of celeriac |
ragout of crayfish tails a la Nantua |
ragout of mushrooms |
ragout of mutton with chickpeas |
ragout of sweet peppers a l'espagnole |
ragout of truffles |
raisin tart |
ramekin |
ramekin vaudois |
ramos gin fizz |
Raphael salad |
raspberry and apple Dartois |
raspberry barquettes |
raspberry charlotte |
raspberry compote |
raspberry coulis |
raspberry jam |
raspberry jelly |
raspberry sorbet |
raspberry tart |
raspberry vinegar |
ravigote sauce (cold) |
ravioli of daube of duck with red wine |
ravioli with herbs |
ravioli with spinach and ewes' milk ricotta and fresh tomato sauce |
raw courgette tartare with fresh almonds and Parmesan |
raw salmon with red new potatoes |
raw sardine terrine |
raw scallops |
raw scallops with caviar |
raw vegetable salad |
red beans a la bourguignonne |
red butter |
red cabbage a la flamande |
red cabbage a la limousine |
red cabbage salad |
red fruit jam |
red kidney beans with red wine and bacon |
red lentil puree |
red mullet a la nantaise |
red mullet a l'orientale |
red mullet charlotte |
red mullet en papillotes |
red mullet grilled in cases |
red mullet mandarin oranges and cauliflower puree |
red mullet poached a la nage with basil |
red mullet with basil |
red mullet with jasmine |
red mullet with pistachio crumb and star anise broth |
red tomato jam |
red tuna tartare marinated with fresh ginger and wasabi |
red wine sauce |
redcurrant compote |
redcurrant jelly (1) |
redcurrant jelly (2) |
redcurrant sorbet |
redcurrants in a tulip |
regence sauce |
Reims biscuits |
Reine Pedauque salad |
remoulade sauce |
Rhine wine bishop |
rhubarb compote |
rhubarb compote with strawberries |
rhubarb jam |
rhubarb pie |
rhubarb tartlets |
rice a la creole |
rice a l'imperatrice |
rice a l'iranienne |
rice au gras |
rice cakes Pompadour |
rice casserole a l'ancienne |
rice cooked in milk |
rice cooked in milk for ring moulds and cakes |
rice croquettes (savoury) |
rice croquettes (sweet) |
rice croquettes a l'ancienne |
rice fritters |
rice gateau with caramel |
rice or semolina croustades |
rice panada |
rice pudding |
rice ring a la creole |
rice ring a la montmorency |
rice ring with various garnishes |
rice stuffing |
rice tart |
rice with almond milk and citrus fruit jelly |
rich shortcrust pastry |
rich wholegrain mustard and red wine marinade (for meat) |
Richelieu sauce |
rillettes du Tours |
rillettes of salmon |
rillons |
ring of calves' brains a la piemontaise |
ring of sole a la normande |
risotto a la milanaise |
risotto a la piemontaise |
risotto with chicken livers |
rissoles a la chalonnaise |
rissoles a la dauphine |
rissoles a la fermiere |
rissoles Pompadour |
roast calf's heart |
roast calf's liver |
roast chestnuts |
roast chicken rossini |
roast cod |
roast duck with maple syrup |
roast duck with peaches |
roast faux-fillet |
roast figs with a coullis of red fruits |
roast fillet of beef |
roast garlic |
roast goose with fruit |
roast grouse |
roast hare en saugrenee |
roast haunch of roebuck |
roast leg of lamb |
roast leg of lamb a la boulangere |
roast leg of lamb en chevreuil |
roast leg of lamb with 40 cloves of garlic |
roast loin of beef |
roast loin of lamb |
roast loin of pork with various garnishes |
roast milk lamb |
roast monkfish |
roast noix of veal |
roast of veal Brillat-Savarin |
roast phesant |
roast pigeons with fresh almond milk |
roast pineapple |
roast pork with Jerusalem artichokes |
roast pork with lime sorbet and mint |
roast quails |
roast rib of beef a la bouquetiere |
roast saddle of hare |
roast saddle of roebuck with poivrade sauce |
roast shoulder of lamb en ballotine |
roast sirloin |
roast suckling pig |
roast sweetbreads |
roast turket stuffed with chestnuts |
roast turkey stuffed with dessert apples |
roast turkey stuffed with dessert apples |
roast woodcock on toast |
roasted Crottins de Chavignol on a salad with walnuts of Correze |
roasted duck breasts and duck thighs sauteed in Burgundy wine |
roasted poached capon with pumpkin gratin |
Robert sauce |
rocamadour with leeks |
roebuck filets mignons |
roebuck noisettes with red wine and roast pear |
roebuck sauce |
rolled brandy snaps |
rolled brioche with raisins |
rolled salt belly pork |
Roquefort balls |
Roquefort butter |
Roquefort feuilletes |
Roquefort rolls |
Roquefort sauce |
Roquefort-cheese crepes |
rose |
rose vinegar |
rosti |
Rouen duck en chemise |
Rouen duck in port |
Rouen duck or duckling souffle |
Rouen mirlitons |
rouennaise sauce |
rougail of aubergines |
rougail of salt cod |
rougail of tomatoes |
rough (fast) puff pastry |
rouille |
roulade of eel a l'angevine |
royal icing |
royale of asparagus |
royale of carrots a la Crecy |
royale of celery |
royale of chicken puree |
royale of tomatoes |
royale sauce |
ruifard |
rum babas |
rum zabaglione with marrons glaces |
Russian gateau with pistachio nuts |
Russian kasha |
Russian kasha with Parmesan cheese |
Russian mayonnaise |
Russian salad |
Russian sauce (cold) |
sachertorte |
saddle of hare a l'allemande |
saddle of roebuck a la berrichonne |
saddle of roebuck grand veneur |
saddle of suckling lamb prepared as carpaccio with a pistou sauce |
saddle of wild boar with quince sauce |
saffron icecream with rose water |
saffron rice a la neerlandaise |
saffron rouille |
sage and onion stuffing |
Saint James' cup |
Sainte-Menehould sauce |
Saint-Germain puree |
Saint-Germain soup |
Saint-Honore |
Saint-Hubert timbales |
Saint-Malo sauce |
salad a la favorite |
salad a l'orientale |
salad argenteuil |
salad Nicoise |
salad of chanterelles with endive |
salad of chicory and green apple with langoustines and strips of chicken |
salad of Jerusalem artichokes |
salad of Maltese oranges with candied zest |
salade a d'Albignac |
salade gourmande |
salmi of phesant |
salmon aiguillettes |
salmon brochettes with fresh duck liver |
salmon cooked in champagne |
salmon cutlets |
salmon cutlets a la bourguignonne |
salmon cutlets a la florentine |
salmon cutlets a la russe |
salmon cutlets a l'anglaise |
salmon cutlets Pojarski |
salmon cutlets with mushrooms a la creme |
salmon cutlets with white wine |
salmon en croute |
salmon fillets Orly with tomato sauce |
salmon fritots |
salmon fritters with apple sauce |
salmon mayonnaise |
salmon pate (hot) |
salmon puree |
salmon quenelles |
salmon souffle |
salmon steaks a la meuniere |
salmon steaks a la Natua |
salmon steaks a l'americaine |
salmon steaks princesse |
salmon trout Beauharnais |
salmon trout Berchoux |
salmon trout with salad |
salmon with champagne |
salmon with sorrel |
salpicon a la bohemienne |
salpicon a la Cussy |
salpicon a la perigourdine |
salpicon a la royale |
salpicon cardinal |
salpicon chasseur |
salpicon of cockscombs |
salpicons of truffles with cream sauce (hot) |
salsify a la polonaise |
salsify au gratin |
salsify fritters |
salsify in stock |
salsify Mornay |
salsify omelette with Brussels sprouts |
salsify salad with anchovies |
salsify sauteed a la provencale |
salsify with bechamel sauce |
salsify with mayonnaise |
salt (corned) beef |
salt cod a la benedictine |
salt cod a la creole |
salt cod a la florentine |
salt cod a la languedocienne |
salt cod a la lyonnaise |
salt cod a la parisienne |
salt cod a la provencale |
salt cod a la santpolencque with green cabbage, potatoes and a light garlic sauce |
salt cod a l'anglaise |
salt cod acras |
salt cod bouillabaisse |
salt cod en bamboche |
salt cod with flageolet beans |
salt codd with turnip shoots (vacuum cooked) |
salt pork with lentils |
salt-cod croquettes |
salted almonds |
sangria with brandy |
sangria with peaches |
sante soup |
sard with chive butter |
sardine bouillabaisse |
sardine escabeche |
sardine fritters |
sardine rillettes |
sardines gratinees |
sardines with asparagus and preserved Menton lemon |
sarladaise sauce |
sauage a la languedocienne |
sauce a la bretonne |
sauce a la grecque for fish |
sauce a la romaine |
sauce a la russe |
sauce a l'anglaise |
sauce a l'orientale |
sauce aurore |
sauce batarde |
sauce with fines herbes |
sauerkraut a l'alsacienne |
sauerkraut au gras for garnish |
sauerkraut salad a l'allemande |
sausage in brioche a la lyonnaise |
sausage rolls |
sausagemeat |
sausages with cabbage |
saute of lamb a l'ancienne |
saute of lamb or veal chasseur |
saute of lamb or veal with artichokes |
saute of lamb or veal with aubergines |
saute of lamb or veal with cep mushrooms |
saute of lamb with paprika |
saute of Piedmont truffles |
saute of veal clamart |
saute of veal with red wine |
sauted roebuck cutlets with cherries |
sauteed aubergines |
sauteed brain a la provencale |
sauteed Brussels sprouts |
sauteed calf's heart |
sauteed calf's kidney a la bordelaise |
sauteed calves' kidneys with wholegrain mustard |
sauteed cauliflower |
sauteed Chaterbriand |
sauteed chicken a la biarrote |
sauteed chicken a la bohemienne |
sauteed chicken a la fermiere |
sauteed chicken a la zingara |
sauteed chicken Alexandra |
sauteed chicken chasseur |
sauteed chicken Demidof |
sauteed chicken Doria |
sauteed chicken with mangoes |
sauteed chicken with tarragon |
sauteed cod a la creme |
sauteed courgettes |
sauteed filet mignons |
sauteed herring a la lyonnaise |
sauteed lamb cutlets |
sauteed lambs' hearts |
sauteed or grilled tournedos |
sauteed phesant |
sauteed pork chops |
sauteed pork with cucumber |
sauteed pumpkin with spices |
sauteed rabbit chasseur |
sauteed rabbit with prunes |
sauteed roebuck cutlets |
sauteed roebuck cutlets a la creme |
sauteed roebuck cutlets a la minute |
sauteed roebuck cutlets a la mode d'Uzes |
sauteed roebuck cutlets with grapes |
sauteed roebuck cutlets with juniper berries |
sauteed salsify |
sauteed squid a la basquaise |
sauteed tomatoes a la provencale |
sauteed veal a la lyonnaise |
sauteed veal chops a la creme |
sauteed veal chops a la duxelles |
sauteed veal chops a la provencale |
sauteed veal chops en portefeuille |
sauteed veal Marengo |
sauteed wild mushrooms |
sauteed woodcock in Armagnac |
Sauternes cup |
savarin filled with confectioner's custard |
savarin with red fruit sauce and whipped cream |
saveloys in salad |
savoury allumettes |
savoury crepe batter |
savoury orange and cucumber salad |
Savoy matefaim |
Savoy sponge cake |
scallop and chicory cassolettes |
scallop and oyster brochettes a la Villeroi |
scallop brochettes |
scallop broth with spinach |
scallop feuilletes |
scallop salad |
scallop salad on celeriac and apple remoulade |
scallop salad on celeriac and apple remoulade with cockles mariniere and passionfruit vinaigrette |
scallop shells of fish a la Mornay |
scallop shells of fish a la provencale |
scallop shells of salmon Victoria |
scallop shells of shrimps |
scallops au gratin a la dieppoise |
scallops in mayonnaise |
scallops in salad |
scallops Mornay |
scampi fritters |
scampi with walnuts |
Scandanavian beetroot salad |
Scotch pudding |
scrambled egg and asparagus barquettes |
scrambled eggs |
scrambled eggs a la reine |
scrambled eggs a la romaine |
scrambled eggs a l'americaine |
scrambled eggs a l'ancienne |
scrambled eggs a l'arlesienne |
scrambled eggs aregenteuil |
scrambled eggs Massenet |
scrambled eggs princesse |
scrambled eggs rossini |
scrambled eggs with artichokes |
scrambled eggs with cep mushrooms |
scrambled eggs with chicken livers |
scrambled eggs with shrimps |
scrambled eggs with smoked salmon |
sea anemone fritters |
sea bass with celeriac |
sea bream ceviche with rhubarb and chilli oil |
sea bream or bass a la meuniere |
sea bream stuffed with fennel |
sea bream with preserved lemon |
sea urchin omelette |
sea urchin puree |
seafood bouchees |
seafood brochettes |
seafood cannelloni |
seafood croutes |
seafood Dartois |
seafood flan |
seafood omelette |
seafood ragout |
seafood risotto |
seafood salad |
semolina fritters |
semolina pudding |
semolina ring with fruit |
semolina subrics |
serendipity |
set custard (with gelatine) |
Seville gazpacho |
Seville orange jelly dessert |
shad au plat |
shallot butter |
shallot sauce |
shaped chicken cutlets Helder |
shaped cutlets |
shark a la creole |
sheep's trotters a al rouennaise |
shelled fresh haricot bean salad |
shellfish and soya bean sprout salad |
shellfish forcemeat |
shellfish pilaf |
Shirley Temple |
shirred eggs chasseur |
shirred eggs Conde |
shirred eggs Meyerbeer |
shish kebab |
shortbread |
shoulder of lamb a la boulgangere |
shoulder of lamb a l'albigeoise |
shoulder of mutton en ballon (also called en musette) |
shoulder of mutton en pistache |
shoulder of mutton with garlic |
shoulder of pork with five spices |
shoulder of roebuck with olives |
shrimp or lobster mousse |
shrimp or prawn mayonnaise |
shrimp puree |
shrimp veloute soup |
shrimps in cider |
shrimps sauteed in whisky |
Sichuan-style Chinese cabbage |
sidecar |
simple beef consomme |
simple chicken consomme |
simple fish consomme |
simple game consomme |
singapour |
sirloin a la d-Albufera |
skate au gratin |
skate liver fritters |
skate liver with cider vinegar |
skate liver with cider vinegar |
skate salad |
skate with lemon |
skate with noisette butter |
skewered saffron-dressed flat lobster tails |
sliced beetroot with Vieux Comte cheese |
sliced meat a l'italienne |
slices of phesant with orange juice |
small almond croissants |
small ballotines of chicken |
small ham and cheese quiches |
small hot entrees with chicken hash |
small orange galettes |
small ravioli for soup |
small stuffed provencal vegetables |
small timbales a la fermiere |
small timbales a la piemontaise |
small timbales a l'epicurienne |
small timbales as an entree |
smelt veloute soup a la dieppoise |
smoked herring or sardine forcemeat |
smoked salmon aspic |
smoked salmon cornets with fish roe |
smoked salmon frivolities with caviar |
smoked salmon puree |
snail broth |
snail feuilettes |
snails a la bourguignonne |
snails a la poulette |
snails grilled a la mode du languedoc |
sobronade |
socca |
soft boiled or poached eggs a la provencale |
soft boiled or poached eggs arenteuil |
soft boiled or poached eggs Monselet |
soft boiled or poached eggs princesse |
soft butter caramels |
soft roe barquettes |
soft roe fritters |
soft roes a la meuniere |
soft roes a l'anglaise |
soft roes in noisette butter |
soft roes in scallop shells a la normande |
soft roes of herring with verjuice |
soft-boiled (or poached) eggs brimont |
soft-boiled eggs a l'espagnole |
soft-boiled eggs Aladdin |
soft-boiled eggs Amelie |
soft-boiled eggs beranger |
soft-boiled eggs Berlioz |
soft-boiled eggs bonvalet |
soft-boiled eggs chenier |
soft-boiled eggs with anchovies |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la Beauharnais |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la benedictine |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la chatelaine |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la chivry |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la florentine |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la forestiere |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la reine |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a la zingara |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a l'alsacienne |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a l'ancienne |
soft-boiled or poached eggs a l'ecossaise |
soft-boiled or poached eggs aurore |
soft-boiled or poached eggs Careme |
soft-boiled or poached eggs Colbert |
soft-boiled or poached eggs Massenet |
soft-boiled or poached eggs Mornay |
soft-boiled or poached eggs rossini |
soissonnais soup |
sole a la dieppoise |
sole a la Duglere |
sole a la menagere |
sole a la meuniere |
sole a la normande |
sole a la paysanne |
sole a la portugaise |
sole a l'arlesienne |
sole and mushroom brouchettes |
sole armenoville |
sole bagatelle |
sole Bercy |
sole Colbert |
sole diplomat |
sole fillets a la Daumont |
sole fritots |
sole meuniere Mont-Bry |
sole sur le plat |
sole with orange |
sole with thyme |
soles bercy |
Solferino soup |
solilemme |
sorbet of exotic fruits |
sorbet with Calvados |
sorrel omelette |
sorrel puree |
sorrel sauce |
sorrel veloute soup |
Soubise sauce |
sou-fassum |
souffle a la romaine |
souffle Ambassadrice |
souffle fritters |
souffle fritters a la toscane |
souffle laperouse |
souffle omelette |
souffle omelette with wild strawberries |
souffle potatoes |
souffle Rothschild |
souffle Simone |
souffle tomatoes |
souffleed sardines with sorrel |
soup a la fermiere |
soup a la paysanne |
soup of fresh peas and broadbeans with radish tops |
soupe a la bonne femme |
soupe albigeoise |
soupe alsacienne a la farine |
soupe hollandaise |
soupe oursinade |
soy sauce |
soya bean sprout salad |
spaghetti alla botarga |
spaghetti alla carbonara |
spaghetti marrow salad with horn of plenty mushrooms and sweetbreads |
spaghetti with basil |
Spanish omelette |
Spanish-onion chutney |
spare ribs with chickpeas and ceps (vacuum cooked) |
spatzle with noisette butter |
speculos |
spelt broth |
spiced gingerbread fruit charlotte |
spinach and potato soup with poached eggs |
spinach au gratin |
spinach crepes au gratin |
spinach croquettes |
spinach in butter |
spinach in cream |
spinach omelette |
spinach puree |
spinach salad |
spinach shoots with black truffles |
spinach souffle |
spinach subrics |
spinach tart |
spit-roast leg of lamb with parsley |
spit-roast lobster |
spit-roast rib of beef |
spit-roasted fillet of beef |
split pea puree |
split pea soup |
sponge biscuits |
sponge fingers |
sprats a la vinaigrette |
spring chickens a la piemontaise |
spring chickens a la sicilienne |
spring risotto |
squab a la minute |
squabs with peas |
squid a l'andalouse |
steak a cheval |
steak and kidney pie |
steak au poivre |
steak Dumas |
steak tartare |
steak with oysters |
steamed duck foie gras with Sauternes |
steamed fillets of sole in tomato sauce |
steamed scallops |
steamed stuffed chicken with ragout of broccoli |
steamed turbot steaks |
steamed turbot with ponzu sauce |
stewed chestnuts |
stewed endive |
stinger |
stockfish a la nicoise |
stockfish and turnip souffle |
stracciatella soup |
straw potatoes |
strawberries a la maltaise |
strawberries cardinal |
strawberries Conde |
strawberries in a warm syrup with mascarpone sorbet |
strawberries with citrus and beetroot |
strawberry cassata |
strawberry charlotte |
strawberry compote |
strawberry delices |
strawberry gateau |
strawberry gratin with lemon zabaglione |
strawberry icecream |
strawberry jam |
strawberry liqueur |
strawberry mousse |
strawberry or raspberry souffle |
strawberry paste |
strawberry puree (bottled) |
strawberry puree (frozen) |
strawberry sorbet |
strawberry syrup |
strawberry tart |
striped chocolate and vanilla Bavarian cream |
striped mullet in a mille-feuille of cabbage with marrow |
stuffed and fried pigs' ears |
stuffed aubergines |
stuffed aubergines a la catalane |
stuffed aubergines a l'itallienne |
stuffed baked potatoes |
stuffed baked potatoes a la cantalienne |
stuffed baked potatoes a la florentine |
stuffed baked potatoes chasseur |
stuffed baked potatoes with ham and mushrooms |
stuffed braised turkey pinions |
stuffed breast of mutton a l'argeoise |
stuffed breasts of lamb |
stuffed cabbage |
stuffed calf's heart |
stuffed calves' ears du Bugey |
stuffed carp braised in red wine |
stuffed celeriac a la paysanne |
stuffed chicken a la mode de sorges |
stuffed courgettes with lamb and rice |
stuffed crabs a la martiniquaise |
stuffed crabs au gratin |
stuffed croutes a l'anciennce |
stuffed cucumber |
stuffed cucumber a la russe |
stuffed dates |
stuffed dates |
stuffed duck a la rouennaise |
stuffed green peppers |
stuffed guinea fowl Jean Cocteau |
stuffed hard-boiled eggs aurore |
stuffed John Dory with sea urchin cream |
stuffed lemons |
stuffed lettuce |
stuffed milk lamb |
stuffed morels with broad beans and leeks |
stuffed mushrooms |
stuffed omelette a la Maintenon |
stuffed onions |
stuffed partridges in aspic |
stuffed pepper fritters |
stuffed peppers a la turque |
stuffed peppers a la turque |
stuffed pigeons with asparagus tips |
stuffed potatoes a la basquaise |
stuffed potatoes a la Maintenon |
stuffed potatoes Soubise |
stuffed quails a la financiere |
stuffed quails a la gourmande |
stuffed quails a la Monselet |
stuffed quails a la Souvarov |
stuffed quails in cases |
stuffed quails in cases a la Lamballe |
stuffed quails in nests |
stuffed roast turkey |
stuffed sardines with white wine |
stuffed saveloys with spinach |
stuffed shad a la mode de Cocherel |
stuffed shoulder of lamb a la gasconne |
stuffed shoulder of lamb a l'albigeoise |
stuffed shoulder of veal |
stuffed shoulder of veal a l'anglaise |
stuffed sole Auberge de l'Ill |
stuffed squid |
stuffed squid a la marseillaise |
stuffed suckling pig a l'occitane |
stuffed tomato nests (hot) |
stuffed tomatoes a la bonne femme (hot) |
stuffed tomatoes a la grecque |
stuffed tomatoes a la languedocienne (hot) |
stuffed tomatoes a la nicoise (hot) |
stuffed tomatoes a la parisienne (hot) |
stuffed tomatoes a la piemontaise (hot) |
stuffed tomatoes a la reine |
stuffed tomatoes a la reine |
stuffed turkey grand-duc |
stuffed turnips a la duxelles |
stuffed turnips a la piemontaise |
stuffed turnips braised in cider |
stuffed whiting with cider |
stuffings for ravioli |
sturgeon a la brimont |
succes base |
succes base |
suet crust pastry |
suet dumplings |
sukiyaki |
summer pudding |
supreme of chicken with Sauternes and preserved lemon |
supreme sauce |
supremes of chicken a brun |
supremes of chicken a la financiere |
supremes of chicken a la florentine |
supremes of chicken a la perigourdine |
supremes of chicken a l'anglaise |
supremes of chicken ambassadeur |
supremes of chicken with mushrooms |
Swedish herring rolls |
sweet and sour leg of marcassin |
sweet and sour sauce |
sweet crepe batter |
sweet omelette a la dijonnaise |
sweet omelette a la normande |
sweet potato cake |
sweet potatoes a l'imperiale |
sweet rice subricvs |
sweetbread fritters |
sweetbreads braised in white stock |
sweetbreads in breadcrumbs |
sweetbreads with grapes |
sweetcorn puree with foie gras |
Swiss chard a la polonaise |
Swiss chard a l'italienne |
Swiss chard au gratin |
Swiss chard in bechamel sauce |
Swiss chard in butter |
Swiss chard in cream |
Swiss chard pie |
Swiss meringue |
Swiss wine tart |
tabbouleh |
tajine of beef with cardoons |
tajine of carrots |
tajine of chicken with quince |
tajine of lamb and quince |
tajine of mutton with prunes and honey |
Talleyrand sauce |
talmouses a l'ancienne |
tangerine gateau |
tangerine syrup |
tangerines en surprise |
tapenade |
tapenade |
tapioca consomme |
tapioca dessert |
tapioca with milk |
taramasalata |
tarragon butter |
tarragon cream |
tarragon puree (cold) |
tarragon puree (hot) |
tarragon sauce for poached fowl |
tarragon sauce for small cuts of meat |
tarragon sauce for soft boiled or poached eggs |
tarragon vinegar |
tarragon-flavoured consomme |
tartare of langoustines with oysters |
tartare sauce |
tarte au citron |
tarte au sucre |
tarte cauchoise |
tarte tatin |
tarte-Tatin |
tartiflette |
tea sorbet |
tendron of veal with caramelised onions |
terrine de Body |
terrine de l'ocean |
terrine of duckling |
terrine of fruit with honey jelly |
terrine of leeks and fresh goat's cheese |
terrine of oxtail in tarragon jelly |
terrine of pheasant, partridge or quail |
terrine of pike with Nantua sauce |
terrine of pressed octopus |
terrine of salmon |
terrine of veal with spring vegetables |
terrine of vegetables Fontanieu |
thick veal stock |
thickening with arrowroot |
thickening with beurre manie |
thickening with blood |
thickening with butter |
thickening with cream |
thickening with liver |
thin fruit sauce |
three hour leg of roebuck |
timbale Brillat-Savarin |
timbales elysee |
tiramisu |
toasted almonds |
tomato chaud-froid sauce |
tomato coulis |
tomato fondue |
tomato loaf |
tomato napoleans |
tomato salad |
tomato sauce |
tomato sorbet |
tomato souffle |
tomato tart |
tomato veal stock |
tomato veloute soup |
tomatoes stuffed with cream and chives (cold) |
tomatoes stuffed with tuna (cold) |
tomatoes with mozzarella |
tongues of salt cod in pistou |
tortillons |
tortue sauce |
Toulouse salad |
tourin des noces |
tournedos (filet mignons) a la bordelaise |
tournedos a la portugaise |
tournedos au lisse fermier |
tournedos Brillat-Savarin |
tournedos chasseur |
tournedos Helder |
tournedos marigny |
tournedos massena |
tournedos rossini |
tourons |
tourte nicoise with Swiss chard |
tourte of veal with Parmesan cheese |
tourteau fromage |
tourtes a la mode bearnaise |
traditional almond blancmange |
traditional basic cream soups |
traditional pickled ox tongue |
tripe soup a la Milanese |
tripes a la mode de Caen |
trois-freres |
trout a la bourguignonne |
trout a la nage Jean Giono |
trout au bleu |
trout with almonds |
trout with leeks |
truffle icecream |
truffle salad |
truffle sauce |
truffle tourte a la perigourdine |
truffle turnovers |
truffled foie gras with Madeira |
truffled pate de foie gras |
truffled roast woodcock |
truffled turkey |
truffle-flavoured consomme |
truffles for garnishes |
truffles with champagne |
tuiles |
tuna en daube a la provencale |
tuna fish in tea - Vietnamese |
tuna omelette |
tuna tataki |
turban of crouts a la Beauvilliers |
turban of poultry |
turbot en papillote with vegetables and champagne sauce |
turbot in milk |
turbot with Duglere sauce |
turbot with leeks |
turbot with morels |
turkey pinion fritters |
turkey pinions a la fermiere |
turkey wings Saint-Menehould |
turnip ravioli with yuzu and tea jelly |
turnips au gratin |
turnovers a la Cussy |
tutti-frutti bombe |
Twelfth Night cake |
two fruit charlotte |
tzatziki |
Ukranian borsch |
unusual black rice |
vanilla and cinnamon sables |
vanilla fudge |
vanilla icecream |
vanilla icecream charlotte |
vanilla icecream for coupes |
vanilla meringues with exotic fruit |
vanilla souffle |
vanilla sugar |
vatrouchka |
veal and ham pate (cold) |
veal chop cussy en portefeuille |
veal chop Foyot |
veal chop Pojarski |
veal chops a la piemontaise |
veal chops en papillotes |
veal chops with fines herbes |
veal escalopes a la Viennoise |
veal forcemeat |
veal forcemeat ring with calves' marrow or brains |
veal fricandeau with sorrel |
veal grenadins with salsify |
veal hash a la Mornay |
veal hash a l'allemande |
veal or chicken eminces a blanc |
veal Orloff |
veal piccata with aubergines and tomatoes |
veal quenelles |
veal saddle Orloff |
veal saute a la portugaise |
veal soup with quenelles |
veal steamed with vegetables |
veal sweetbreads with hop shoots |
vegetable achar with lemon |
vegetable bouillon |
vegetable charlotte |
vegetable macedoine with butter or cream |
vegetable ragout a la printaniere |
vegetable salpicon with cream sauce (hot) |
vegetable salpicon with mayonnaise (cold) |
vegetable salpicon with vinaigrette (cold) |
vegetable salpicons |
vegetable soup bonne femme |
veloute based on fish stock |
velvet emotion |
venitienne sauce |
verjuice sauce |
Veron sauce |
verrines Provencals |
Vichy carrots |
vichyssoise |
Victoria sauce for fish |
Victoria sauce for venison |
Vienesse jam croissants |
Viennese chocolate |
Viennese croissants |
Viennese croquettes |
Viennese sour cream soup |
vierge sauce |
villageoise sauce |
Villeroi sauce |
Vincent sauce |
virgin colada |
visitandines |
vitello tonnato |
viveur omelette |
vol-au-vent case |
vol-au-vent financiere |
waffles |
walnut and honey tartlets |
walnut cake |
walnut or hazelnut fond |
walnut surprises |
warm chocolate and banana tart |
water ices |
watercress bredes |
watercress butter |
watercress mayonnaise |
watercress puree |
watercress sauce |
watermelon a la provencale |
Welsh rarebit |
West Indian punch |
West Indian ragout |
whipped ganache |
white bitter orange sauce for roast duck |
white chaud-froid sauce for poultry |
white chaud-froid sauce for white offal, eggs and poultry |
white chicken stock |
white gazpacho with grapes |
white nougat |
white roux |
white scorpion fish with vegetables, strawberries and Maresme bouillon |
white stock |
white wine sauce |
whiting hermitage |
whiting in white wine |
whole lobster salad |
whole monkfish roasted with caramelised shallots |
wild duck a la tyrolienne |
wild duck a la Walter Scott |
wild duck au Chambertin |
wild duck with pears |
wild rabbit with farm cider |
wild rabbit with Hermitage wine |
wild rice a l'indienne |
woodcock a la Riche |
woodcock casserole a la perigourdine |
woodcock pate (cold) |
woodcock salmis |
woodcock souffle with chestnuts |
wrasse with potatoes |
Xavier soup |
yalanci dolmas |
yoghurt cocktail |
yoghurt dressing |
yoghurt sauce |
Yorkshire pudding |
young whole, trimmed artichokes |
zabaglione |
zampone |
zingara sauce |
Coming soon
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